Debra Ann Ford Beilue

Profile Updated: June 17, 2009
Residing In: Dumas, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Richard
Occupation: Nursing Home Administrator
Children: Heather Marsh with two boys (Baylen-5, Drayson-2)
Tanner Beilue
Yes! Attending Reunion

We moved to Dumas in 1985 by SPS. Currently working at Borger Health Care Center. Richard has retired this last year; he loves it. Heather is a Nurse Practitioner in Wichita, KS; Tanner wants to be a Game Warden and graduated WT last August. Look forward to visiting with you.

School Story:

Remember the drag, well, I was not to make the drag. What happens, my engine catches on fire and so did I (meaning knee deep trouble).