Keep Bowen Free, Green and Local!


Householder Survey Results - Sept 10, 2012

Survey Monkey results: Click Here

Finance Review Task Force:

  • Slide Presentation to Council: Click


Tim Rhodes' Response to Murray Skeels' Public Attack on Councillor Wolfgang Duntz in his Bowen Bulletin April 26, 2012 - Click Here

Tim Rhodes' Response to James Hickling's inaccurate letter to the Undercurrent April 20, 2012 (James Hickling and Melissa Harrison share an address) - Click Here

Volume 1 Issue 1 of BIIA-BEAT.

Interim Report of Finance Review Task Force.

 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead 

Welcome to the Bowen BEAT!   This is a grassroots website originally developed with a frankly partisan aim: to mobilize opposition to the proposed creation of a National Park on Bowen Island. This objective was achieved in November 2011, when the park proposal was defeated through a public vote held in conjunction with the Municipal Elections.

We support local government initiatives that protect individual rights, property rights, and encourage rational economic and residential development, balanced with: 

Preserving the island's ecological balance and environmental integrity;                   Protection of Crown Lands from industrial/residential development;                  Protection of Bowen's watershed and foreshore areas;                                   Preserving and enhancing Bowen's heritage resources .

Many BowenBEAT members were involved in volunteering their services to assist in the election of the current Mayor and Council, and are supportive of their commitment to provide new direction in governing Bowen's affairs in a balanced and open manner.

BowenBEAT worked closely with the Bowen Island Improvement Association (BIIA) during the last year.  We have now formed an association with BIIA to jointly publish a quarterly e-newsletter titled BIIA-BEAT, along with special e-bulletins on emerging issues pertinent to the concerns of the majority of Bowen Islanders.  Please click this LINK to learn more about the communications our members will be receiving.   

BowenBEAT members are represented on Council's newly created Finance Review Task Force, which has submitted its initial Interim Report to Council.  The Report may be viewed by clicking this LINK.  The report will be discussed at the council Meeting on Tuesday April 10.

Please assist in dissemination of these documents by sending the links to these documents to your friends and neighbours.


