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•   Joseph Brooks  6/4
•   Tara Johnson  11/3
•   Ann Coleman (Hanible)  10/29
•   Charna Smith (Lacey)  2/2
•   Toronda Queen (Parker)  10/22
•   Andrea Hayward (Walter)  8/28
•   Tabetha Sharockman (George)  2/10
•   Shalanda Flowers  5/26
•   Sheila Fender (Hines)  3/19
•   Melissa Proctor (Douglas)  1/3
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arkansas
1 lives in California
2 live in Colorado
4 live in District Of Columbia
9 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
90 live in Maryland
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
5 live in North Carolina
4 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
17 live in Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
98 location unknown
3 are deceased


•   Ronald Oates  9/20
•   Cheryl Oden (Bannister)  9/23
•   Mark Miller  9/25
•   Stacy Tayman (Whelan)  9/25
•   Stephanie Hawkins  9/27
•   Susan Jackson  10/1
•   Ladonna Burchick (Harvey)  10/2
•   Jacqueline Carter  10/2
•   Travis Hile  10/2
•   Joseph Jones  10/11
•   Angela Brooks  10/13
•   Joseph Halikman  10/14
•   Lashawn Rhyne  10/15


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 60.3%

A:   149   Joined
B:   98   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Gwynn Park High School
Class Of 1989

Gwynn Park High School's Class of 1989 is planning its 20-year high school reunion.  And yes, we've been out of high school for 20 years already!  The reunion committee has selected a date:  September 26-27, 2009!  Plans are being made and excitement is growing!   We are expecting a big turnout!

Details regarding activities, costs, and hotel blocks are available on the Reunion Update page.




We are also asking everyone to not only register yourself, but to check the Lost Classmates page and contact us if you know the whereabouts and/or status of anyone on the list. Registering will allow us to keep you up-to-date on all the events and any new bulletins.

We encourage you to click the The Year Was 1989... link and to participate in the fun surveys!

We hope you will attend this fun-filled reunion with your old classmates.  We look forward to seeing all of you!

 - The Reunion Committee



Celebrating Birthdays!

Check out the list of upcoming birthdays to the right!

Happy Birthday to all of you beautiful people!





This has been an amazing journey so far and I promise it will be a reunion that you'll never forget.  You should also know that the reunion will not be the end of it.   We are looking to reconnect w/ old friends yearly and make new ones.   So c'mon and get those people to sign up so they can be kept well informed and get this party started.   I'll see you soon 

~Crystal A. T. Santiago~


While flipping thru my Senior yearbook, trying to remember what all of you old ass people looked like in High School,  I came across this on page 190. Figured I'd post it for those of you who've lost your yearbook....and knowing the "stellar" student body of this graduating class, I'd say there's plenty who have lost that book by now....along with your homes! LMAO. Anyway, send a message of thanks to the student listed at the end. Will post it in the next announcement, to fit it in.  - Billy Ward

P.S.  Ya know I love ya, PJV!

Graduation 1989

     June 1, 1989. The long-awaited day will finally come and pass us by in just a few hours. So many years we have dreamed of the moment our name is called and we walk across the stage to receive our diploma. We have worked so hard for it during the past twelve years. The girls in gold and the boys in black will proudly turn their tassels and begin a new life, one that may be scary to some, but exciting to the eyes of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and friends, but these are tears of joy in knowing that their child, or grandchild has achieved a landmark event in his or her life. As the class of '89 leaves, feelings of joy and sadness fill us, for we know a chapter in our lives is now complete and we must begin anew, but we will never forget all of our fond memories of Gwynn Park High.

Valerie Miller

ROSANNA CABOTAJE SAYS:  "Is it just me or what... I remember names but not faces.  When creating your profile can ya'll include a high school pic too!   Just a suggestion."