Dain Kistner

Profile Updated: October 2, 2008
Residing In Huntingdon Valley, PA USA
Spouse/Partner Anika (Gladish) Kistner
Occupation CIO - Pitcairn
Children Freya, born 1996
Sonja, born 1997
Ian, born 2005

Yes! Attending Reunion

Oh heck, I suppose since I'm exhorting people to get onto the website, I ought to have more than just the basics up on my own profile. :P

We've been busy the last 20 years - graduated from Colgate and married Anika (Gladish) in 1992; moved to the San Francisco Bay Area later that same year. Worked there for 3 years as a computer 'jack-of-all-trades', and had our first childd (Freya) in 1996. Later that year, moved to Atlanta to work with my father on a organic waste recylcing company he was trying to turn around...it didn't, but the experience was useful, if not always fun. Our second daughter (Sonja) was born in Georgia in 1997; in 1999 we moved back to Huntingdon Valley and I switched careers again to work for Pitcairn. Got my MBA from Villanova in 2002, and our son (Ian) was born in 2005. That makes one child born in each of the houses we've owned since we got married, so we're afraid to move again! :P

Life is good, if a little crazy - I'm really excited to be on the General Church board of directors during what looks to be a period of tremendous new energy aroud growth and outreach. I've also been heavily involved with men's work - notably SWET and working in small groups; still trying to figure out if this is vocation, or simply avocation. Summers seem to slip by all too quickly with swim team and other events - hell, ALL the time goes by too quickly! - with less time than I might like to just stop and smell the roses...but it's (mostly) all good! :D

Looking forward to reconnecting with old friends at the reunion this year!

School Story

Lot of good memories here; some of the highlight reel moments include: the Junior Class video project with Willem, Jeremy, Jay, & Rich (did I miss anyone?); all of the various plays over the years; and getting back to my locker for second period English with A. Davis, right after running '3 Blue' in circuit - and finding that my DEKA secret sister had left me a cherry coke and a pile of swedish fish that probably saved me from a major hypoglycemic crash. :)

Oh - and I still have my copy of 'The Many Faces of Mitch' - if anyone knows where to find Pat Mitchell, let him know that I'm trying to decide if it's a collectors' item or a blackmail instrument. :)

Dain's Latest Interactions

Dain Kistner has a birthday today.
Aug 25, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Dain Kistner has a birthday today.
Aug 25, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Dain Kistner has a birthday today.
Aug 25, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Dain Kistner has a birthday today.
Aug 25, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Dain Kistner has a birthday today.
Aug 25, 2015 at 4:34 AM
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Me and my sweetie :D
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Sonja (11) and Freya (12)
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Ian (age 3)
