In Memory

Richard Schulli

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07/07/14 09:20 PM #1    

David Cohen

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When I first met Rick, he was anything but a friend.  

Rick and one of his best pals (who shall remain anonymous) used to chase Graham Wetter and me home from junior high school, pelting us with snowballs, all the while calling me a “dirty Jew.”   Then, one day, Graham and I decided we had enough of suffering this abuse---so we set up an ambush and attacked Rick (and friend)  with maximum force and fury,  bombarding them with a flurry of snowballs.   Shocked at the intensity of our retaliation, they both surrendered and, afterward, we all had a big laugh about it.   From this youthful encounter arose a strong friendship that lasted for years and upon my infrequent visits to Calgary, usually to visit my aging mother,  I’d usually have lunch with Rick and a few other old friends.

In fact, Rick was not a “bigot,” simply a young fellow raised with negative pre-conceptions about certain people  with whom he had no real familiarity.  Moreover, I believe that Rick  happened to be quite a sensitive guy who hid his feelings behind the macho veneer that young men so often affect in order to hide their insecurities, frustrations, and vulnerabilities.

The dissolution of Rick’s marriage was a crushing blow and I’m not sure he ever really recovered from that, especially the inevitable turmoil that enveloped his entire family.

I miss the conversations we had... I miss the few people in my life who ever held a genuine interest in what I do or think....and most importantly,  within a world increasingly torn apart by ethno-religio-politico divisions, I miss the  enemy who became my friend and, in doing so, offered me one substantive, shining, example that forgiveness might eventually overcome all the things that divide us.

07/09/14 04:26 PM #2    

Janet Austin

Thanks, David, for a very thougtful rememberance of Rick.  I always enjoyed his intelligence and good humour and particulalry remember grade 12 chemistry where much of the Roger Gibssen for President strategy was hatched.  If I remember correctly, you and Graham Wetter were - wrongly - called up on the carpet for that.  I was so so truly sorry to learn that Rick was gone. 

07/10/14 11:44 AM #3    

Kurt Burris

Thank you David, I concur with Janet's thoughts.  I always regreted losing touch with Rick after moving to California.  We shared a lot of good times, with a disproportionate amount spent in the bar at the Glencoe Club.  Speaking of Roger, someone needs to get ahold of him and remind him to set up his profile.

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