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•   Raeleen Andrews (Sanchez)  5/10
•   Judy Jones  8/8
•   Jennifer Jorgensen (Fauver)  7/21
•   Loraine Lake (Cloward)  5/28
•   Shelly Dilley (Gleason)  1/11
•   Jamie Kirby (Fratoni)  8/5
•   Victor Leatherwood  8/4
•   Ellen Rowley (Jex)  8/1
•   Kalynn Behling (Fail)  7/27
•   Martin Wilson  7/21
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
47 live in Utah
1 lives in Washington
2 live in West Virginia
2 live in Wyoming
99 location unknown
8 are deceased


•   Lisa Bradbury (Kershner)  10/4


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Emery County High School
Class Of 1979

Welcome to the Emery County High Class Of 1979 web site.

It's time to get back in touch. Plans are underway for a reunion to be held on August 1, 2009. Set aside that day out of your summer to get back together with old friends and classmates. We'll be sending out more information as we get closer to the date. For now, though, we need YOUR HELP locating all of our dear classmates. There's no doubt that each of us know of one, two or a dozen's whereabouts. If you have an e-mail address -- perfect! A phone number? Fine too! Pass it along and we'll get in touch. Even better, pass on the link to this page and point them here. Let's make sure we get everyone!!

THANKS! Please say hi and pass on your hopes for our day on August 1!


Class reunion coming soon!! August 1, 2009!

We want everyone to be a part. Take a look at the "Classmate Profiles" page. If there is someone whose e-mail address you know, ADD IT, and we'll invite them to join the site! If you have a phone number, street address, or even just a hint how to track someone down, pass that along too.

I just want to give a great big "Thank You" to everyone who helped plan and prepare our reunion! The crowd consisted of only 35 classmates, but a great time was had by all. Please share this thanks with Neal Peacock for showing us around the old stompin' grounds and being the emcee for the night [...and we all thought Mr Peacock had left the building :)]

It was great to see each and every one who showed up. I really wish more of us had been able to attend and reconnect for a moment of our lives.

I truly think the Class of '79 is one of the best groups of youth ever to haunt the halls of Emery County High School!

Thank you all,
