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04/19/08 04:39 PM #1    

*Gregory Ronald "Fish" Herring

Welcome to the Hargrave Military Academy Class Of 1968 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

04/21/08 09:28 AM #2    


*Michael -"Mike" Lang Sr

Had a blast with all you guys this past weekend and look forward to seeing you all in two years (100th). Keep in touch and thanks for all the memories.

04/22/08 04:58 PM #3    

*r. Gregory "Greg" Upchurch

Ditto to what Mike said. We had a great time seeing all you guys this past weekend, catching up and sharing stories.

A big "hand salute" should go out from all of us to Fish for putting this site together. No matter what he says, it looks like one hell of a lot of work and I think we'll all reap the benefits. Someone should write him up for a commendation medal he can proudly wear on his uniform. Thanks, Fish.

04/23/08 07:20 PM #4    

Bill Hellmintoller

Sure wish I could have joined you guys for the 40th. Sounds like you had a blast. Hey, about Fish putting that medal on his uniform, If he is like me he may need to loose a few inches to get it buttoned. Belived it or not, I just discared my uniform about 5 years ago. Have no idea why I kept it for 35 years. See you at the 100th.

06/04/08 09:43 AM #5    


*Michael -"Mike" Lang Sr

This is to all who visit this site. We are the class of '68 and we need response. I am to a point that I will be able to resume adding pictures to the site (graduation pictures) If you have any suggestions or wants, please e-mail me. Sorry for the lack of activity, but was very busy at work. To those who have responded - call all those who you know that were in our class and issue them an invitation. This site is a tool for us all to get together, we (Fish and myself) need all the help we can get. Every little effort helps. Thanks in advance and God bless.
Michael Lang

02/20/10 08:56 AM #6    

*Gregory Ronald "Fish" Herring

This comment cam from OB Brantley Teague

Will Be at Comfort Inn in Danville April 16 & 17. Please remind
all that Sabre Club Banquet is Saturday night in the Dining Hall. All
are invited for the 100 th. birthday. First time held at HMA and open
to all.

02/20/10 09:09 PM #7    

*r. Gregory "Greg" Upchurch

We plan on checking in Friday evening and leaving Sunday. I'm not sure how that may or may not effect Mike Lang putting in for time off from work but am glad to volunteer if he needs an excuse. Hell, I'll even sign a note for him for his boss if he needs it!

"Dear Mike's boss:

Please excuse Mike from work from (fill in whatever) to (fill in whatever, Mike). He is needed at a more important function than your crappy paying job and if he has a good enough time he may not EVER come back!

Sincerely yours,

Greg Upchurch, HMA, Class of '68"

02/21/10 12:24 PM #8    


*Michael -"Mike" Lang Sr

Class of '68

Please contact me (or Fish) at or on this site if you are planning on attending. Just would like to get and idea of who is coming. Just talked to D. Darrell and he is trying to plan for it. I am planning on attending if I can work out some scheduling issues. I'm going to talk to O.B. Teague and get some info. So far Fish , Chapman, Albrecht, Huffman and Pebbles have expressed some interest through their contact with Fish (Gregory Ronald Herring). It is the 100th anniversary for Hargrave, so it should be interesting. We had some good times at the 40th class reunion, it was very good to connect with old friends. Let's try to have a good showing. Hope to see you there.

02/24/10 04:09 PM #9    

*Kenneth "Ken" Albrecht

Hey, I like your permission letter, Greg!
Can you draft one up for me? Just address it to B. Obama...
Either way, I'm there. At the Hampton Inn, I think.

03/29/10 11:33 AM #10    

*r. Gregory "Greg" Upchurch

Hey, Barak!

Haven't seen you in a long time! I'm thinking maybe it was the time we were sitting around drinking tea and I gave you the idea to change the National anthem from the belligerant "Star Spangled Banner" to "I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing" so as not to intimidate our Muslim brothers and sisters. Or maybe it was the time I suggested you disarm America for the same reason. Anyway, its great to talk with you again.

I need a favor. You've got this guy working for you and he needs a few days off. His name is Ken Albrecht. He's an old retired Army officer (you know, one of those guys you're lothe to shake hands with except for photo ops?). He needs the time off for a very important function but he's old and forgetful and I'm concerned he's so intimidated by you that he's afraid to fill out his "Application for Absence". Would you cut him some slack and let him take his time off in April. You'll probably never miss him and I know his co-workers will appreciate a few days when he's not just sitting around the office soiling his pants.

Looking forward to hanging around with you again. Maybe this time we can talk about how to tax the hell out of those dummies who voted you into office so you can pay for your health care package. Congrats on that BTW. That package puts us just one more step towards socialism. Whatta guy!

With deepest affection,

R. Gregory Upchurch
HMA, Class of '68

03/29/10 10:52 PM #11    

*r. Gregory "Greg" Upchurch

Are you guys CRAZY?!?!?!?!

"Dark suit"?!?!!?

I'm retired. I have one dark suit. I save it for funerals and court appearences. Is there not anyone out there who would rather join me sitting around BSing in jeans?


04/08/10 09:38 PM #12    


*Michael -"Mike" Lang Sr

I am with you Greg, I don"t even own a suit. Why have something you have no need. Give me my jeans and a glass of scotch and the world is right. See you at the 100th I hope. Later...

04/13/10 10:09 AM #13    

*Kenneth "Ken" Albrecht

Greg - Remind me again why I like you?

Steve - You suck! In Atlanta for a robotics show during the Homecoming? Send R2D2 for Pete's sake. Next thing you'll tell me is you won't be able to make the 200th Anniversary, either.

Al - I lied. I'm still going to talk about you.


04/13/10 03:08 PM #14    

*r. Gregory "Greg" Upchurch

Ken, I have NO idea why you like me. Come to think of it, I didn't really know you do. Sorry, I already have a date for Saturday evening.

Is this "Steve" as in "Twiggy" who isn't coming?!?!? Is this "Al" as in "Al Huffman" who isn't coming?!?!?! DAMN! They're dropping out like flies! What? Is this mean there are only going to be like four of us who are making this wing ding? You guys don't think I'm traveling all this distance just to see Albrecht, do you?

All '68ers come if you can and like. Look me up. I'll be in the third wheelchair from the end.


04/13/10 08:00 PM #15    

*Frederick "Fred" Cooke

It looks as though I will be in for the day on Saturday, staying through the banquet. Back to Durham after dinner.
Looking forward to seeing you.

Fred Cooke

04/14/10 11:32 AM #16    

*Kenneth "Ken" Albrecht

Greg -
Yes, it will be Steve "Twiggy" Chapman who will be MIA.
Albertus Huffman will be there as far as I know. However, that will not stop me from talking about him.
Will be good to see Fred after all these years, but if he shows up in his skirt, I'm outta there.
Good to hear you will be "sitting up" in your wheelchair -I thought you would be on your back on a gurney. I believe I would save my dark suit if I were you, also. You may need it sooner than later. No sense in wasting a dry clean/press.

01/24/18 11:53 AM #17    


*Michael -"Mike" Lang Sr

My new email is for any further cotact or comments...Looking forward to hearing from you.

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