Monica Collins

Profile Updated: May 24, 2009
Monica Collins
Residing In: Pullman, WA USA
Spouse/Partner: Tom Burritt
Occupation: State/Federal Employment Compliance for WSU
Yes! Attending Reunion
I remember....

I remember our class as a whole being called "Little 5th Graders" by the 6th graders and feeling small and insulted. We were in middle school now!! We deserved respect. Then, the next year, we called those 5th graders "Little 5th Graders" and they snapped back!! How rude!

A few years later, high school happened. I remember being now the little freshman and thinking how cool it would be to be a senior.

All I can say is that it kept getting harder and harder, trying to fit in, have cool clothes, hair and makeup, passing Chemistry and then Physics, and really that I missed being the little 5th grader some days.

What did you always want to do that you haven't done yet?

Having a broader understanding of computers and the Internet. I am blown away by how much kids know about this stuff and how little I know. I-tunes, My Space, U-Tube, Twitter, texting, I-pods, mac, pc, web sites, personal web sites, e-bay, blah, blah, blah. We didn't have any of this in high school, or really in college, either. It's a wonder we made it through and now look, it is time for the 20 year reunion.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Bake, cook, read, talking on the phone, going to the spa, taking road trips, and of course, SHOP!

What's the farthest you've been from home?

Kauai, Hawaii

How old do you feel?

OLD!! I can not believe I am, (we are), 38 and getting ready for the 20 year reunion!! That's crazy. I am still 24 in my head although my body tells me differently! Maybe 45....

Any gray hair yet?

Gray hair? Yes. Maybe it's just white, not gray! Hee Hee. A couple of years ago I started to get my hair highlighted in an effort to disguise the white. Hasn't worked entirely but I still continue to have it done.......

What is your Favorite 80s song?

That's a hard one...early 80's "Mickey", mid 80's "Heart of Rock n Roll", later 80's "Animal". There were so many other artists/songs that remind me of high school--Def Leppard for sure, but also Poison, Journey, The Go-Go's, Springstein, Guns and Roses, Van Halen.

Who was your favorite teacher and why?

Mr. McClure. Being in his classroom helped me forget about the outside world. Who knew math could do that to a person. I don't was just different than my other classes, and so frustrating at the same time, mostly because my brain hurt from thinking. Mr. McClure is a gem and I couldn't have been so scholastically successful without him. Ms. Fritchie inspired me to get outside of my "box". I loved being in FBLA and traveling with the club. She was patient, demonstrated that women can be professional, nurturing, intelligent, independent and human. I miss them both.

Best thing you've done so far...

Taking care of myself and others. I am less selfish now than I used to be!!

What are you most proud of?

College and Tom

Who would have thought.....

that 20 years would go by just like that.

What did you love or hate the most about High School?

What I loved ~and~ hated was being a good student. It took a lot of time and I pressured myself too much.

What else would you like to share about yourself?

Not really about me, but....kudos to Terri et al for planning this reunion. This is so cool. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's profiles.

Although I have not married/had children, my oldest nephew is 15 years old, followed by 3 more ages 11, 8 and 8 then 3 nieces ages 5, 4, and 7 months. They are all adorable and I try to see them every chance I get.

I haven't moved as far away from Spokane as I thought I would have, however, being in Pullman has it's advantages. Go Cougs!!

Senior Will

I . . . MONIQUE HARLOW to here by bequeath:
to my darling sister, Angela, my grades, lockers, Newsweeks, mechanical intelligence, and my impeckable ability to get along with teachers only one more year! To Laura and Olivia the ability to get along with Angie. You guys can have my locker, too. I don’t need it anymore. To all my buddies, I leave my thanks for all the good times!!! I leave my smiles for the future, too!!! To Mr. Riggs my bubbly personality and pleasant disposition, the same goes for Mr. McClure.
TV SHOW: Saturday Night Live
COMMERCIAL: Speed talker ones
PERSON: Handsome
MUSIC GROUP: Def Leopard and The Eagles
SINGER MALE: John Cougar FEMALE: Stevie Nicks
MOVIE: Roger Rabbit
FOOD: chocolate and frozen yogurt
DRINK: diet Coke
SAYING: “What are ya doing”
BOOK: Physics by Hewitt
MAGAZINE: Newsweeks
STORE: Mariposa
SPORT: dancing
COLOR: green
PET PEEVE: other drivers
HOBBY: cleaning my room
MOST EMBARRASSING: not having the correct answer on National television.
FAVORITE YEAR IN SCHOOL AND WHY: senior year. This year wnet by fast and finally our class was at the top.
FUTURE PLANS: make it past college and graduate school while having fun all the way through.

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