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Carolyn Monson Almennigen

Profile Updated: September 7, 2015
Carolyn Monson
Carolyn Monson


Carolyn Monson


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In:
Harwood Heights, IL USA
optical engineer on disability
Aaron Branic, born 1986

I was an Optical Engineer until a car accident messed up my eyes. It was then I found out I had MS, which accounts for me being sick a lot, even back in high school. I am on disability now but always looking for ways to earn a few bucks and have some fun.

Favorite Lane Memory:

Concert Band, playing flute and piccolo. Seeing the look on Mr. Golden's face when we finally got it right was worth the work. I also had nightmares for years about not being able to find my locker. :)

Current Interests:

I like to crochet and sew. I play flute and piano when I have the energy.

Accomplishments Since Graduation:

When I got to college, I wondered where all the rest of the guys were... No longer was I a vast minority; being in Minnesota I also found that "the blonde girl with glasses" was not enough for someone to find me.
My married name was Branic. When I got divorced, I went back to my family name rather than my maiden name. When my dad came over from Norway, the folks at Ellis Island thought Almennigen was too long, so they took my grandfather's middle name, Monson, which just meant his father's first name was Mons. So when it came to changing names, I decided to go back to the original.
As far as accomplishments go, I helped develop the first video endoscope and the first jaw endoscope (TMJ arthroscope). I worked on developing a non-invasive glucose meter, but it didn't work out. I worked with lasers, fiber optics and imaging systems for various industries and had a lot of fun playing in the lab.

How did Lane Tech influence your life?

I learned how to work hard, study and organize my time. I learned how much fun it is to work with others toward a common goal and realize that goal.

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Aug 14, 2018 at 3:34 AM
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Aug 18, 2017 at 8:53 AM

Posted on: Aug 14, 2017 at 3:34 AM

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Jan 23, 2017 at 12:12 PM
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Oct 29, 2016 at 11:16 AM
Aug 14, 2016 at 3:34 AM
Sep 07, 2015 at 2:50 PM
Carolyn Monson Almennigen changed her "Now" picture. New comment added.
Feb 15, 2016 at 2:29 PM

Posted on: Sep 07, 2015 at 2:49 PM

Sep 07, 2015 at 2:48 PM
Carolyn Monson Almennigen has a birthday today. New comment added.
Aug 14, 2015 at 1:57 PM

Posted on: Aug 14, 2015 at 3:34 AM

Carolyn Monson Almennigen posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 02, 2015 at 8:16 PM

Posted on: Jul 01, 2015 at 4:53 PM

Happy Birthday!

Dec 04, 2014 at 2:16 PM

Hi Marcelle!

Carolyn Monson Almennigen posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 26, 2014 at 2:48 PM

Posted on: Sep 25, 2014 at 3:29 PM

Hi Steven! I sat next to you in Algebra. Nice to "see" you again! Will you be coming to the reunion? I hope so!

Aug 06, 2014 at 1:14 PM

Hi Mia! Nice to "see" you again!
