Profile Updated: May 30, 2010
Residing In: Hamilton, OH USA
Spouse/Partner: Dr. George R. App
Occupation: Retired
Children: Dawn Renee Fontaine, Douglas Wayne Fontaine and 4 step-children
Yes! Attending Reunion

In 1989 I moved to my husband's family farm in Hamilton!, Ohio and opened a gift shop. In 1993 I began meeting my cousins from Las Vegas in St. Johns, NFLD. After 10 years of traveling around the greatest place I had ever seen, I bought a home there, right on the ocean and everything my heart desired. When I first arrived on the island, I felt a peace and tranquility that I have not experienced since the 1950's, before my Mother died. Recently I came to the conclussion the reason for that is simply Newfoundland is "Ohio in the 50's". I do not lock my doors, people (everyone) walks right in w/o knocking and I love it. The most wonderful people I have ever met. Okay, boring!

School Story:

My only problem in school was when I sold firecrackers to someone (guess I should not mention names??? Huh? But he knows who he is) and he ratted me out. Mr Gatchel called me into the office and I was the most innocent looking person imaginable. No, Mr. Gatchel I did not sell him fire crackers. After 15 minutes he told me I could leave. I got as far as the door and there was an enormous weight on me and I could not go further. At last I turned around said I DID IT! of course thinking I would get off easy since I admitted it. WRONG! I was banned from the school after hours for a month. Thirty days of not being allowed inside the school for ANY reason (even ballgames).

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BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
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BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
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BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
May 31, 2021 at 4:33 AM
BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
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BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
May 31, 2019 at 4:33 AM
BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
May 31, 2018 at 4:33 AM
BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
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BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
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BETSY BORDERS APP has a birthday today.
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