40th Reunion

Class picture at 40th.

North Avondale elementary school group pic at 40th.

Pat Hanna, Barb Clark French, Phyllis Vaughan Jones, Sandy Meagher Wood

Pat Hanna, Barb Clark French, Tom Arnold, Phyllis Vaughan Jones, Sandy Meagher Wood


Robbin Korchmar Gilligan, Julie Shavzin Cohen, Lou Gilligan

Phyllis Vaughan Jones, Sandy Meagher Wood, Barb Clark French

Phyllis Vaughn Jones and husband Gary



Bonnie Fischer Smyth and husband Neal

If I'm not mistaken, that's Steve Lakamp AKA (and here my memory might be failing me) The Amazing Kreskin?

Kathy Colebrook Freudenberger and husband Bob

Tom Arnold and Sandy Meagher Wood

Our inimitable MC, Tom Arnold

Barb Clark French, Carolyn Baker Miller, Walter Grayman, Sandy Meagher Wood

Betty Segal, Essie Seltz (Stillman) , Lora Benjamin (Maurer), Karin Segal (Sanders)


Danessa TImmer (Miller), Barbara Hyman (Rabkin), Terri Sonkin (Kassel)


Dan Berger and Kathy Brown (Fralish)

Mutt and Jeff (AKA Julie Shavzin Cohen and Steve Lakamp)

Karin Segal (Sanders), Nancy Minson, Lora Benjamin (Maurer), Danny Berger, Barbara Hyman (Rabkin)

Patty Eber (and others)

Pat Hanna, Vicky Mayfield (Hall) , Chiahua Pan, Lora Benjamin (Maurer)

Robbin Korchmar (Gilligan), Vicky Mayfield (Hall), Julie Shavzin (Cohen)

Danny Berger and Jim Hunt (AKA The Entertainment)

Let the revelry continue!

Chip Elliot, Rick Abraham,Jay Dunkelman, Steve Lakamp, Chuck Levin, Tom Arnold

Chuck Levin, Dee-Dee and Rick Abraham

Sally Lea (Muir), Kathy Brown (Fralish), Dan Berger, Pat Pierce, Knox Johnstone

James Rosenberg, Steve Lichtenberg's wife(so sorry I don't remember your name, we talked for an hour and I loved it!), Linda Burchard, Steve Lichtenberg

Frank and Harriet Norris

A semi-circle(sort of)  in the circle.

We've had a whole committee working on this one, and here's the consensus:

From left: Dick Wiemann, Dave Bukey, Marty Stoner, Julie Shavzin, Pat Hanna, Patsy Woodward, Stan Hirtle, Melissa Devore, Joanne Hoffman. Whew!  Let me know if I got anybody wrong…

Sylvia Merritts (Whittington) and ....a trusted source says she thinks it's Patsy Woodward's (Peacock-Evans) husband.

Kathy Brown (Fralish), Patty Breden (Dauphinais), Vicky Mayfield (Hall)


Knox Johnsone, Bob Beam, Nancy Minson, Dick Stemmer

Mark Lindberg, Sue Collins

OK, that's Marty Stoner (Burns) on the far left, then I think that’s Stan Hirtle next to her. Next to him are David Stoffregen and his life partner Bonnie Stowell, then Chiahua Pan on the right...thanks, David!

Nancy Schott (Gallant), Chiahua Pan, Laurie Blumberg (Shewmon), and I think that's the back of Michael Gallant's head.

Pat Pierce, Barbara Hyman (Rabkin), Betty Segal, Sylvia Merritts (Whittington)

Sandy Meagher (Wood), Barb Clark (French), Tom Arnold, Dick Stemmer, Norm Straker

Stanley Claybon and wife.

Walter and Linda Grayman flanking Steve Lichtenberg and his lovely wife


OK, enough with the individual pictures. Following are a series of crowd scenes, dancing scenes, and general "Bunches of people" scenes. See who you can pick out from the crowd.