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03/28/14 02:51 PM #1    


Steve Boymel

Welcome to the Woodward High School - Cincinnati Ohio Class of 1964 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

06/14/14 04:31 PM #2    


Marcia Bernstein (Monghate)

Hello everyone. It has been such fun to read everyone's comments. I think I am one of the few that is still working. I teach nursing at University of Texas, Arlington. Does anyone in the class live in Texas. I will not be attending the reunion, but I hope that someone posts pictures of the reunion. Would be glad to hear from anyone who wants to chat. My email is You can also catch up with me on Facebook (Marcia Bernstein Monghate). Hope to hear from some of you. Marcia

06/18/14 10:20 AM #3    

Stephanie Zappin (Kwait)

Hi Marcia,  I don't live in Texas, but my daughter does live in McKinney, just north of Dallas.  will be there mid july for 2 wks.  Are you coming to the reunion?  I will be there.  Looking forward to seeing you!

06/20/14 12:04 AM #4    


Marcia Bernstein (Monghate)

Mckinney is really hot right now (not temp), and we are going to look for a new house in that area next summer.  Everyone is moving to far North Dallas area especially with the new Toyota headquarters going in that area.   As far as temperature goes, you have chosen the hottest time of year to come to Texas, but I guess you already know that--most people don't venture out of AC during that time of year.

I am not coming to the reunion since I will be returning to teaching mid-August and I teach one of my clinical nursing course on the weekend.  Really wish I could come--who knows, maybe we will have another one in 10 years when I certainly should be finally retired!!.  Hope everyone posts lots of pictures on this site.

Fondly,  Marcia

07/07/14 09:12 PM #5    


Timothy Dalbey

Hi Marcia,

Saw your note on the reunion website and read you live in Arlington.  Small world.  I live in east Dallas.  We are planning on going to the reunion for the 20th.  A bunch of us got together in 2010 as well.  We go to McKinney antiquing often.  Real estate there is way too high.  Drop me a line to chat or talk, my e-mail is and phone is 214-388-5362.



07/25/14 08:30 AM #6    


Douglas Cornelius

As one of the Greasers of the class of 64 I would like to express my appreciation for Woodward fillng a large gap in some of our social skills.

Soon after graduation it became clear why our parents elected to move us into the Woodward district and out of in my case the cultuer of Appalachia.

Guys like Shield Wikus and Bruce Lypedus took us in   their group. I even served as Sheilds ad guy for his run at class pres. with Tipacanu and Wikus to.

Woodward was one of the keys to a Great life Mary (Martin) and I enjoy.

Loking forward to the reunion.

Doug (voted most likely to never get a hair cut) Cornelius.





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