In Memory

Michael Sammons

Michael Sammons

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FirstFriday was organized by a long standing football coach/official from Columbus, Ohio. His name was Mike Sammons. He was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in March of 2006. It was in his nature to fight. He's fought the cancer by educating others about it. He fought it by trying to save others lives, so they wouldn't have to go through it too. As Winston Churchhill once said, "If you're going through hell, keep going!" So, with the help of his family and friends, the FirstFridayFoundation was born.

On March 2, 2007, Mike passed away after a valiant fight against this horrible disease. It's hard to put into words how this affected us. It was in his nature to fight, so we fight on, for him, and for others.

There is a gameplan in place. First Friday Foundation was set up to bring awareness and funding to Advanced Prostate Cancer Research. Awareness for men to understand the steps they can take to help catch this disease in it's early stages. When caught in it's early stages, it is nearly 100% curable. There is no current cure for Advanced Prostate Cancer. Funding towards finding a cure. We have partnered with One-in-Six Foundation for donations towards finding a cure.

Our goal is to make the world more aware of this disease. What the Komen Race for the Cure does for breast cancer awareness, we hope to do for prostate cancer awareness.

We can survive this.

We are in this together.

We believe we can educate.

We believe we can fight.

We believe.

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06/18/14 07:37 PM #1    

Bob Wilkinson

We played football together and played the same position quarterback. Mike was a friend team mate, just sad to read he is gone.

06/20/14 03:29 AM #2    

Stanley Skurow

Sorry to hear about Mike's passing...I remember him as such

a strong healthy person. Any info re circumstances of his death?

06/20/14 06:28 PM #3    

Rona Wolfson (Plotnick)

Michael was a football coach at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio and passed away from cancer in March of 2007.  I keep in touch with his younger sister, Susan , who is also a Woodward graduate.  

06/21/14 04:59 PM #4    

Larry Gordon

Mike was a gem; we were close friends at Shroder Jr.High and Woodward.  In 2005, he and his wife Marti visited with my wife and I at our home in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Mike and I had a great day on the links and the 19th hole. The great memories of our past will always stay with me.

06/22/14 05:48 AM #5    

Stephen Levin

I remembered Mike like Larry were great football players at both Woodward &


Larry, I hope you are coming to the reunion?

Steve Levin




08/06/14 08:08 PM #6    

Nancy Brown (LeMessurier)

I've known Mike since grade school. He was always a super nice guy for as long as I knew him. I'll always remember how excited he was with the 10 & 0 - 1964 football season. He lived his life as a true gentleman and good guy.  He and his wife Marti were the ideal couple, truly in love after all those years, still not enough. Bless you Mike, a man to be emulated. 

08/25/14 09:57 PM #7    

Gregory Simms

Mike was an examplary person. We had conversations I still remember. We all remember him as an outstanding quarterback and person. Mike was also the second-fastest high hurdler in the Cincinnati area at Shroder. He stopped running hurdles in high school. I was shocked to learn of his passing.

08/26/14 10:46 PM #8    

Elizabeth Tamura (Breyer)

Will always remember his gentle soul and his sweet disposition. We were friends from grade school and I know he will be sorely missed by many

08/27/14 10:57 AM #9    

Joyce Elmore (Dooley)

It breaks my heart to learn of the passing of Michael Sammons.  I had the pleasure of dating him at Woodward High School.  He not only was cute and very athletic, but he was kind and a true gentleman in every way.  He was also very smart but never bragged about his achievements like some of the other guys would.  As soon as I read about his passing, I got out my Woodward Yearbook for 1964 and read the very sweet words he wrote by his senior picture.  Even though it has been 7 years since his passing, I am sure there isn't a day that he isn't missed.  Rest in peace, dear Michael!  Thank you for touching my life!      Joyce Elmore Dooley

08/28/14 04:36 PM #10    

Diane Stone (Limbocker)

I had the absolute honor of knowing Mike also,he was a gentleman,always smiling and kind,How much fun I had cheering on the football team what an honor it ws to know him and what a good idea to form the organization to learn about prostate cancer,He will always be missed.  Diane

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