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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Georgia
3 live in North Carolina
11 live in South Carolina
3 live in Virginia
30 location unknown
5 are deceased


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Welcome to the Clio High Class Of 1978 web site. ...








Artist Nazel Spears






 Want to see more pictures? Click on the Video & Pictures Link  On the top left Panel.


WOW!      Now that's how you have a REUNION!

It was so great seeing most of us together again!  So many drove miles to get here, many others worked hours on end to make sure that this 30th Reunion was well worth remembering.  To all of you, we say THANK YOU!   To all the teachers and faculty who came home to celebrate with us, our hearts were filled with joy to sit in the same room with you once again.  Proverbs proclaims that "a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing"...thanks Class of '78 for bringing so much laughter to our hearts and healing to our souls as you shared long lost memories and created new ones.

Just because the Big 3-Oh Reunion is over, don't think that's the end of this website.  We want to stay in touch with you and each other.  The site will be up until the last one of us leaves.....that won't be for a very long, long time!.  Please check in as often as you want, feel free to share the site with your spouses, children and grandchildren to let them see what you were like back in the day.  Or just check in to see how your old friends are doing and send them a quick email.

We're already planning the next big blowout in 5 years around the year 2013!  We need everyone to get involved to help make the next Reunion as wonderful as the 2008 Reunion.

Take care everyone, and we'll be seeing you....SOON!

Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4600

Access Code:  268624# 

Please note that this is a toll call.  Hopefully most of us have toll free long distance calling from our homes and/or cell phones.  If you do not, please find out how much your carrier will charge for the call before you call in.  If calling in is a financial burden for anyone, please let us know and we will make other arrangements for you to call.  We want as many people as possible calling in as we make final plans for our event. Thanks to all and see you soon.



The planning for our 40 year class reunion is underway. Get the details, get involved and get ready to have a great time.  Click on the Invitation Letter, Meeting Schedule and Special Thanks tabs for more details.



Please make your check or money order payable to Clio High Class of 78 and Elizabeth Hayes

Mail the Check to

Elizabeth Hayes

P. O. Box 734

Clio, SC 29525       

