Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 39
     Profile contains photos: 9
     Military Service: 18
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Dan Abercrombie
Rick Ackerly   
Peter Acly
Dick Allen     
Miles Anderson    
Ken Andrews
Larry Arnstein   
John Baker
Tim Balch     
Brooks Barton
Chris Bay-Hansen
Peter Bent
John Berman   
Frank Berson
Steve Beyer
Chuck Borneman
Cary Boyden   
Gerry Boyle
John Briggs
Paul Broeker
Jon Brown
Bruce A. Burton   
Tom Chase
Jay Coe
Hank Conklin
Ned Daly   
Hal Davidson
Glenn DeMallie
Jed Devine
Dave Devitt
James Dykes    
Bill Espinosa    
Rob Fentress
Bob Fisher
Andre Fogarasi   
Charles Franckle
Rich Fuller
Alan Geller
Bob Gilmore   
Bob Gold   
Mack Goode
Steve Goodwillie
Bill Graham    
Ben Hall    
Ruwe Halsey
Rusty Hapgood
Jim Harris
John Haviland
Steve Hawthorne    
Fred Henry
Nate Higbie    
Dick Hildebrand
George Hinman    
Tom Hoover   
Jake Hubbard
Seeley Hubbard
Max Humphreys
Dexter Hunneman
Clark Hutton
John Johnson   
Rick Johnson
Win Johnson    
Jack Jolis    
Matt Joseph
Tom Judson
Chris Keefe
Doug Kennedy
Bob Kinasewich
Bob Kinasewich
Gregg Kline
Bob Kniffin     
Orin Kramer   
Frank Krogh    
Larry Langford    
Jim Lanigan
Joel Lapointe
Bill Laurence
Ray LeBov   
Peter Levathes   
John Lionberger
Peter Lovely    
Bob MacBey
Ross Mackesey
Rob MacLeod
Brian MacNeary
George Marble
Bill McCarthy    
Eddie McNamara
Jeff McPherson    
Ted McPherson    
Ed Mellick   
Jon Merrill    
Mike Mooser
Bob Morrison
Jimmy Moses
Jim Mote
Frannie Murphy
Mather Neill
Jud Newell    
Peter Nistad
John O'Connor
Dave Pascal
Wilbur Pell    
Ralph Penny
John Pierpont
Dave Prossner
Duane Purvin   
Howie Rambin
B. G. Read
John Redmon
Sandy Reider
Jim Roddy
Peter Rollins
Doug Rose
Mike Russo
Ed Ryan
John Sammon
Patrick Scott
David Sicher    
Reed Simmons
Harry Simrell
George Slocombe
David Spangler
Erik Steiner
Gib Suitor
Bill Taylor
Luke Terry
Peter Thompson
Van Van der Eb
Rick Warren
Bob Webster
Paul Whitbeck
Tony Wilson
Bill Winslow
Rob Wood
Rumsey Young
Ken Zuckerman

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