In Memory

Neil Hoke

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01/06/10 02:10 PM #1    

Alfred Ozenne

The thing I remember most about Neil was his great love of sports. No matter what the issue or conversation, he could put a sports "spin" on it. In our senior English class, Miss Carolyn Price had us selecting topics for term papers.
Neil, naturally, chose a sports-oriented topic. It must have irked Miss Price a lot because she walked back to Neil's desk and sarcastically asked him, "Neil, what are you going to do when you are too old to play any more sports?" Without missing a beat, Neil looked her dead in the eye and replied, "Coach!!" In exasperation, Miss Price shook her head, threw up her hands, turned and walked back to her desk.
I've heard that in his later years, Neil became quite a history buff.

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