Foundation Membership Form



Dear Old Boy,

15 May 2015

Following the merger of the four different DHS Trusts, the Association, and the DHS Old Boys Club into the DHS Foundation Trust, membership of these former entities will now be referred to as the Foundation membership. DHS Foundation’s goal is to maintain regular links between the School and the Old Boys, including regular newsletters. In addition the Foundation is the new and single access for loyal old boys to support the school. The Foundation Website has also been created to assist and keep old boys up to date on the current happenings of the school as well as dedicating news of the old boys of the school.

There are many challenges facing Durban High School and other great South African government schools today, and as the state provides fewer and fewer resources, the flourishing schools are those with enduring old boy support. It is imperative, therefore, to increase the DHS Foundation membership to make it stronger, both financially and in the academic and sporting fields. The foundation membership fee is exclusively used to supplement the costs of running the foundation and to providing bursaries. Contributions to the Foundation in excess of the annual membership fee are used for projects e.g. the refurbishment of Blackmore House or as directed by you.

The DHS Foundation membership fee is R600 per year or R50 per month. Any voluntary amounts in excess of R600 will result in the issuance of an 18A tax receipt entitling the contributor (including your company) to a deduction of that amount from his taxable income in the year that the receipt is issued. These additional funds will be vested into the foundations capital and used for foundation approved capex or as specifically directed by you.

DHS needs your support and contributions in the past few years have already seen the school’s results steadily improving under the leadership of the new headmaster and the support of the Foundation. Please find attached the membership form. We would appreciate you completing the form and returning it to Candice Herbst (

We look forward to hearing from you.

Candice Herbst PR and Marketing Manager


DHS Foundation

CEO Mike Fennell

Trustees: Chairman: C Seabrooke, S Saad, H Buttery, B Armstrong, I Corbishley, R Neave, D Speirs

P O Box 50001 MUSGRAVE, 4062 ?

031 201 2284

fax: 0867329063

The DHS Foundation Trust

Formally the DHS Association which is now a Division of the Trust


Towards 2016 and beyond


I choose the following payment:

? I will make my subscription of R600 in full up front.

? I will make my subscription monthly at R50 pm.

? I wish to make a section 18A donation of R_________________

? I will make a section 18A donation on an ad hoc basis.

? I would like my donation of R __________to be used on a specific project indicated below:


NOTE: Payment details are on the next page. Alternatively please fill in the Stop Order (that you can cancel at any time) and the Foundation will arrange for you payment to be made.

My personal details:

Full Name: _____________________________

Matric Year: ______                                                         Cell: ___________________

Email: Bus No: _________

Company:                                                                       Occupation: ______

Postal Address: ______ _________________________________________________

Postal Code: (For posting of tax certificate)

? I would like to speak to a Trustee about leaving a Bequest through my Will to the school.




Payment to be made as follows:

Cheques to be made payable to: The DHS Foundation Trust,

P O Box 50001 Musgrave,


Electronic Payments Bank:

FNB (First National Bank)

Account name: Durban High School Foundation Trust

Account type: Current

Branch Code: 22 04 26 (Durban North)

Account No: 624 1172 8712

Reference: Your name and matric year


Stop Order Form (this can be revoked at any time by written instruction)

Dear Sirs/Madam My Agreement/ Reference Number ………………………………. (to be filled in by DHSFT)

The details of my/our bank account are as follows:

Account Holder ……………………………….

ID Number (individual account) ………………………………..

OR Full Company Name ………………………………….

Company Registration Number …………………………………

Bank ……………………………….

Branch Name and Town ……………………………….

Branch Number ……………………………….(6digits)

Account Number ……………………………….

Type of Account Current (cheque) / Savings / Transmission (delete where not applicable)

I/We hereby request, "instruct" and authorise THREE PEAKS/ DHSFT to draw against my/our account with the above mentioned bank (or any other bank or branch to which I/we may transfer my/our account) the amount necessary for the monthly payment due in respect of the above mentioned agreement on a specific day as I have indicated on my application form. All such withdrawals from my/our bank account by you shall be treated as though they had been signed by me/us personally.

I/We agree to pay any penalty bank charges relating to this debit order instruction.

This authority may be cancelled by me/us by giving thirty days’ notice in writing, but I/we understand that I/We shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts which you have withdrawn while this authority was in force if such amounts were legally owing to you.


on this…………….day of……………………………………………. …………………………………………

Signature: ………………………………………… …………………………………….

Assisted by: Capacity: (Where legally necessary)

UA-51955684-1 agape