Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Bruce Adams
Deryk Armour
John Ashworth
R J Atkinson
?? Baird
Neil Barnes
Myles Bennett
Barry Bernbom
John Bradley
John Broom
Robert Brukman
C J Byala
Anthony Cermak
Chris Champion
Punch Chapman
Richard Chiazzari
Seton Coleman
Graham Cooke
Andrew Craig
?? Cronje
Gavin Cunningham
Peter Cunningham
Pieter DE Wett
Fredrick Drummond
Peter Drummond
Ken Eaton
Albert Erasmus
Morris Ernst
Alec Erwin
R D Fitzsimmons
Alexander George Forgan
Denis Gerson
Neville Gibbs
Colin Goldberg
Philip Goldkorn
Denton Goodall
John Grout
Ian Hampson
Leonard Harding
Robert Winslade Harding
Anthony Harris
Brian Hill
Peter Holness
Robert Hook
Alan Hudson
Garry Irvine
Mike James
J Jaylor
Patrick Jeffers
Jaques Joubert
H (Harold??) King
Terence King
J E Lagesse
John Landau
R Langford
E G Larkan
Anthony Leeson
Peter Luecken
Garry Maas
Rennie Mackrory
Gerold Maddams
Geoff Marshall
Richard Martin
John Mc Call
?? Mc Intyre
Rob?? McKeller
Colin Mulley
?? Nichol
Andrew Ogilvie
Gordon Pepper
?? Petigrew
Leon Philips
Neil Pope
Chris Rein
John Ric-Hansen
Earl Richard
John Richards
Royden Roche
William(??) Rooney
Michael Rose
Graham Rowley
Norman Ryder
Rodney?? Schaffer
Bernard Scott
Simon Scott
Selwyn Sevel
Graham Shaw
Ian Skelton
Charles Smith
Ken Smith
John Spence
Richard Sprawson
Jeffrey Strasburg
Keir Struben
Petrus Strydom
P L Tselentis
Lee VAN DEN Berg
Erik VAN DER Schaar
Chris Ward
Bruce Watson
Paul Wayne
Leslie Wies
?? Williams
Barry Williamson
Graham Wright
Dave Yacyshyn
Roger Young
John Yuill

Guest Members

David James
Jeremy Oddy (Class Of 62)
Anton Truter (Guest)
Bob Van der Molen (Teacher)

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