In Memory

Peter Hewitt (Hewitt)

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09/10/15 11:57 AM #1    

David Ulrich

A group of young...boys--traveling in a small pack, coursing a street in Morningside.  And, of a sudden (I forget the cause...Why?) I'd pushed Peter, and, he fell down--leaving myself feeling...strong, powerful, and, in control for a moment.  Then...?  Finding myself...AGHAST--seeing braces upon his legs due to the effects of polio? I think I'd...CHANGED MY ideas of what strength, power or..."control" IS?  Its most certainly NOT BEING exalting oneself--as a cost of or expense towards some one's...else being cast...down; FACING THAT, we know not WHAT that is, they face itself, really?  Peter scrambled to his...feet, immediately--running to catch up with that grouping.  While I was less so...quick--my stopping to conside, What effects of other forces at-work upon me COULD EVER BE causing myself acting out whatever spirits of things they were--taking myself as strong, "great" or powerful:  pushing another...down, really?'re not here for my apology, Peter.  But, I'd think YOU WERE little affected--getting back on your feet instantly, immediately, bravely?  You taught me something to...conside that, naturally? God bless!

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