In Memory

Karen Dove (Cabral)

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09/02/08 07:43 PM #1    

Monica Holland (Michelin)

No! not Karen...does anyone know what happend to her?

09/03/08 11:31 AM #2    

Travon Bonner (Carter)

Couldn't believe what I read in the ETHS newsletter about your passing. I'm glad we got to re-connect. I'm thankful for the great memories from Willard school. Miss you!
Rest In Peace!

02/25/09 04:58 AM #3    

Sara Groh (Noonan)

I'm so sorry -- I had no idea that Karen had passed. I can't find any information about her at Does anyone know what happened? Please feel free to email me directly. I remember so much about Karen -- sleepovers at her house, her dog with the bald spot, her trampoline, her kind nature. I wish her family peace -- what a terrible loss.

04/17/09 11:58 AM #4    

Kim Krielaart (Wiedenbeck)

I had no idea. Anyone have information? I am so shocked and saddened. She was such a great friend,we had so much fun together, she was the first person to welcome and accept me at Haven when I started there in 8th grade.
Rest In Peace Karen and God Bless your family.

06/08/12 01:45 AM #5    

Kathleen Legler (Dabelstein )


11/26/12 02:35 PM #6    

Elise Gourguechon (Jones)

Miss you every day, Karen. XO

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