Christopher Kirkpatrick

Profile Updated: January 6, 2009
Residing In: Pueblo West, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: Karen
Occupation: Engineer
Children: Blaine, Born 2004
Kiera, Born 2006
Yes! Attending Reunion

Bachelors in Physics, 1993, from Wittenberg University, Springfield Ohio.

Masters of Science in Materials Engineering, 1997, from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.

Working as a Research and Development Engineer for Goodrich Aerospace since 1998.

Married to my wife Kari in 2002.

In other news...
Apparently the rapper, Eminem, wants to kick my a$$. Contrary to the rumors, I have not joined the "Boy-Band" 'N Sync.

School Story:

My favorite memory from High School was winning the State Volleyball championship with Ray Gooden my senior year.

My favorite teacher was Fred Spence, my gym teacher and football coach, senior year. He was the coolest, funniest, most influential teacher I had. Lots of great memories.

Taking Mr. Gilcrist's engineering class my senior year was also pretty influential on me.

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Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 11:00 PM
My son, Blaine, on his way to a party.
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 11:00 PM
My daughter, Kiera, on her way to a party.
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 11:00 PM
Me and my honey, Kari.
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 11:00 PM
Me and the Family. Yes I am a converted Broncos fan...But I will always root for the Bears too!