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•   Sandra Riley (Harris)  2/25
•   Angelo Perryman  2/24
•   Karen Palmer (Chavers)  2/21
•   Quentella Bogan (Jackson)  2/20
•   Selinda Williams (Thomas)  2/20
•   Phyllis Montgomery (Redmon)  2/20
•   Jessie Hill (Roberson)  2/19
•   Claudette Johnson (Williams)  2/17
•   Annette Lee (Darrington)  2/16
•   Robert Grace  1/10
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

16 live in Alabama
1 lives in California
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Virginia
83 location unknown


•   Jessie Hill (Roberson)  10/8


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 23.9%

A:   26   Joined
B:   83   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Evergreen High School "Class Of 1977" website! 


Please visit often to keep your profile updated with new information and changes.  Here you can also leave messages for your fellow classmates.  The intent of this site is for us to have an electronic forum to keep in contact with each other, pass on important news such as reunion dates, news about marriages, etc., and to be able to network with our classmates about business issues, things going on in our hometown, and of course fellowship.


Thought for the New Year



-Before You Say I Can't, Make Sure You've Tried.
-Before You Let Doubts Stop You, Confront Them With Facts.
-Before Fear Holds You Back, Go Forward With Faith.
-Before You Believe Others Are Better, Show Them What A Winner You Are.
-Before You Dismiss Your Dreams, Wait Until They've Come True.
-Before You Go Looking For Happiness, Make Your Own Where ever You Are...!

~Author Unknown




Where Are They Now?


Please take some time out and share a little about your life with us!  Take us on short journey  of what has been going on in your life.  Tell us about your accomplishments, your family and "the rest of  your story".   And dont forget to post a picture of your family with your story. 






Class of 1977 Song

We've only just begun to live, Rainbows and hopes to fill, with fond goodbyes and our love to give,  and yes we just begun. We only just begun!

Before we reach our goal, we'll strive, to spread peace across this land.  Accept our brothers and hold his hand.  And yes  we just begun, We only just begun.

Sharing the smiles and frowns you gonna meet.  Facing the task of destiny.  Life's hard you seldom see a moment sweet.  We'll mold a dream we know will last, forever and ever. 

And when we reach our goals, we think back, and here's to EHS, Four happy years, then we'll look ahead, cause we only just begun, yes we only just begun. And yes we only just begun, We've only just begun.