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•   Heather Zaragoza (Brumbaugh)  6/15
•   Kathy Beltramea (Gearhart)  2/29
•   Kimberly Hoffman (Bradfield)  10/10
•   Tommy Laastad  4/23
•   Leia McClaran (Craff)  8/29
•   Randy Heckethorn  8/28
•   Katie Pohren (Crawford)  7/12
•   Johnny Brady  6/7
•   Christina Jones (Parkey)  3/29
•   Susan Burch (Garcia)  1/6
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Fairfield High School Class of '89 web site! 

 It's hard to believe it, but the 20th has Come and gone and People are already talking about the 25th.  We'd like to have as many of our classmates as possible know about this website, so please spread the word!  You can tell them about the website or simply send them an invitation to visit from the home page.  Enter your info in the classmate profiles section, upload pictures of your family, or perhaps contact an old friend you haven't heard from in a while.  You can do it all from this website.  Later on we can have polls to help decide what we should do for our 20th class reunion.  I know we're all looking forward to seeing everyone again. 

If you have any suggestions or questions, send an email by clicking on contact us and we'll be sure to get back to you.  Have a good time seeing what everyone's doing these days!






 If there is anyone that we have missed, please let us know so that we can add their name to the classmates list.  We added names from the "official" graduation list that we received from FHS.  We then tried to add names of people who we knew should be on our '89 list but weren't.  Please don't feel left out...we're all 20 years older and our memories are starting to fade, so contact us!  Just because you weren't on the graduation list doesn't mean you're not in our class!!!!



Some People don’t change at all and others change SO MUCH you wonder why you didn't hang out with them when you were in School. We are now in our late 30's and I know i have changed and i am sorry if i ever made anyone feel less of a person. The past is in the past lets move forward. We should all try and talk to those that we didn't know and maybe (you never know) you might meet someone that will just change your life forever. I hope that all the feelings from HS are left in HS and that we can all grow to be the best people we can be. We should no longer be divided but be together as the CLASS of 89.

Kim Bradfield

Thanks to everyone that attended our 20th reunion weekend!  I think all had fun whether it was Friday night at Up by 1, the family gathering at Chautaqua Park, or Saturday night at Walton's!!  I have heard positive feedback from everyone.  While it's fresh in your minds, whether you came to all or is the time to provide your thoughts for the next time we meet at our 25th.  If you have any suggestions on things to do differently or better, please post them on the message forum.  That way everyone can read your thoughts and add their own ideas or opinions.  As always, I'd like to make sure that everyone who wants to share their ideas can!  Everyone in the class of 89 is welcome to take part in the planning so when the next reunion rolls around...go ahead and throw your hat in the ring!!

One final note: We will be keeping this website for the next 5 years and beyond!!  When we do start to plan the next gathering, we will use the emails provided on this website to send out information.  SO......if you move, change names or emails, add family members, etc....Please update your profile!!  Continue to check the site out every once in a while to see what others are up to.  You may also use the website as a means of contacting friends from High School.  If ANYONE was missed that you hear of, please, please let them know that it was NOT intentional and we attempted to get in touch with as many classmates as possible.  Direct them to this website and ask them to enter their info; if it's someone without internet access perhaps they can use a friend's email or a parent's that will pass information along.  Let's try to plan on having EVERYONE at our 25th reunion!!


Donna Fitzgerald Smith

Are people coming back for Homecoming? I've heard that some are and are wondering what the plans are???

