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•   Janet Phillips (Connors)  6/2
•   Mary Ann Sellers (Triplett)  6/27
•   Sondra Looman (Vukelja)  6/10
•   Phoebe A. Schroeder (Hough)  4/3
•   Judi Rice (Windle)  3/23
•   Nancy Bennett (Jones)  3/21
•   Mary Lee Hood (Uveges)  3/10
•   Joyce Ridgway (Pinholster)  9/2
•   Sandra McDonald  6/11
•   Patricia Kebler (Kennedy)  5/23
Show More


Know the email address of a missing Sister? Click here to contact them!


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arkansas
1 lives in California
5 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
3 live in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in New Hampshire
5 live in North Carolina
5 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
7 live in Virginia
25 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
160 location unknown


Percentage of Joined Sisters: 18.8%

A:   43   Joined
B:   186   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Gamma Chi Chi Sorority alumni site, a group organized at Fairmont State College, Fairmont West Virginia in 1926.  Creating your profile is the most important step.

Bill and Lois (Muto) Laughlin are the Parade Marshals for this year's Fairmont State Homecoming parade on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 6:00 pm. Congratulations to Lois and Bill! Soar Falcons!












The sisters of Gamma Chi Chi will hold a meeting on October 17, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. in the Erickson Alumni Center across from Fairmont State College. Please notify Lois Muto Laughlin if you plan to attend.  You are asked to bring a covered dish.

Our Gamma Chi Chi sister, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, will be the Parade Marshall for the Fairmont State Homecoming Parade on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 7:30 pm.

This year the parade returns to the downtown route.

Please join your fellow alumni from Fairmont State at the Alumni Luncheon on Friday, September 23, 2022 at NOON and for the tailgate lunch and game on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 2 PM.

Soar Falcons!

Gamma Chi Chi and Phi Mu...sisters and friends 'til the end of time!

Seated l-r: Dana Maree Reynolds, Cecily McAteer Enos, Betty Sue Dugan Phillips, Beverly Bunner, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, Mary Frye, Carol Amos, Laura Donehew Cain, and Lucille Dabato Martin. Second row: Roberta Strosnider, Judy Cook, Margaret Arcure, Debbie Manly Havlichek, Deborah Haught Prezioso, Mary Jo Vincent Thomas, Jeannette Keaton Vandersommen, Susan Schroeder Millione, Ellen McAteer Snyder, Lois Muto Laughlin, Georgianna Bissett Prickett, Nancy Bennett Jones. Back Row: Bobbi Bane Mohrman, Patty Priolette Nemee, Betty Pat arner Lee, Barbara McDowell Richardson, Diana Moore Yanero, Marlena McClung Efaw, Anne Shafferman Heim, Norma Goode White, Estaline May Fleming, Rosalie Sauro Drazba, Laura Lobuts Viglianco, Elaine Germont Gavette, and Irene Oliveto Lobuts.

The 92nd Gamma Chi Chi Reunion was held on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Colasessano's Restaurant behind the Middletown Mall.  Coinciding with the 92nd for Gammas, Phi Mu will commemorate 52 years since the colonization as Beta Chi.

Seated: Doris Lee Shaffer Cain, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, Laura Lee Donahew Cain, Carol Ballah Amos, Dr. Mirta Martin, Lois Muto Laughlin, Lucille Dabato Martin

Standing: Bobbi Bane Mohrman, Suzanne DeBlassio Adato, Danielle Gibbles Wood, Georgianna Bissett Prickett, Mary Jo Vincent Thomas, Sally Church Browning, Dana Reynolds, Carolyn "Sis" Frederick Grove, Nancy Bennett Jones, Elaine Germont Gavette, Joyce Ridgway Pinholster

Back Row: Norma Goode White, Kay Hess Charlton, Estaline May Fleming, Roberta Atha Strosnider, Rosalie Sauro Drazba, Terri Turner McLaughlin, Nancy May Fox, Brenda Sacchetti Spatafore, Irene Oliveto Lobuts, Laura Lobuts Viglianco


Phi Mu Alumnae Calendar of Events

Phi Mus meet monthly on the second Wednesday at 4:30 for dinner alternating between Pufferbellys and Muriales.  Please call Maggie DeBellis Arcure (304-366-0683) or email her ( for more information.




Gammas enjoyed a lovely Christmas Gathering @Lois Laughlin's home (3 Pheasant Drive in Fairmont) at Noon on Monday, December 11, 2017.  Our next meeting will be on

Monday, March 19, 2018...Founders' Day Luncheon@ Muriales at 1:00 p.m.



I consulted all copies available online of The Mound.

Database updatedTook screen shots of all Gamma pages.  

Copied and pasted all lists of members.  

Cross referenced those names to database.  

Laura Donehew Cain, previous treasurer, took meticulous handwritten notes of sisters and addresses which have since formed the nucleus of labels which I print for communication.

Consulted the directory of 2006 compiled by Bobbi Mohrman.

Made all updates that I could discover from whitepages, Facebook references, and

Met with Lois Laughlin and Norma White when we determined that we wanted to document a complete list of all Gammas.

Norma provided two full pages of sisters who have passed.  I compared that to the In Memory page on our website, as well as those honored at the Louise Leonard Memorial.

Met with the proofreader extraordinaire, Lois, when we made all additions and corrections, including most recent year attended FSC.

Have an appointment with representatives at the Erickson Alumni Center to search their master database for those sisters whose addresses are missing or no longer current.

If you have moved in recent years and no longer receive the reunion invitation or know a sister who has moved, please send new contact information, especially email addresses to

The 90th Gamma Chi Chi Convention was held on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at the Fairmont State University Falcon Center with the social hour at 11:30 a.m., photos at 12:15 p.m. followed by the luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Coinciding with the 90th for Gammas, Phi Mu will commemorate 50 years since the colonization as Beta Chi.

        Our extremely talented photographer, Mo Adato, has uploaded pictures at this address.  You are invited to create an account and order as many prints as you like.  I am so grateful for his herculean effort to document our beautiful celebration of 90 years for Gamma Chi Chi and 50 years as the Beta Chi chapter of Phi Mu.

Front row:  Judy Cook, Patricia Cassidy Rowland, Beverly Wiles Bunner, Mary Frye Mann, Sharon Varner Dunham, Peggy Reese Keller, Dana Reynolds Riedeman, Jeanne Rylands, Susie Gouzd Alasky, Barbara Priester Lucas, Maggie DeBellis Arcure, and Debbie Manley Havlichek.

Row 2:  Joan Welty Scott, Patty Angelilli Arnold, Debbie Haught Prezioso, and Linda Longstreth.

Seated:  Linda Sturm Swisher, Nancy Clelland Corrothers, Joyce Flint, Mary Sue Sandy Malvin, Mary Jo Vincent Thomas, and Mary Louise Stewart Martin. 

Standing:  Lynn Skinner Shimp, Barbara Scott Core, Lois Muto Laughlin, Donna Robinson Merrifield,, Suzanne DeBlasio Adato, Phyllis Monell Branham, Nancy May Fox, Nancy Pollock Swats, Paula Beerbower Hall, Betty Sue Dugan Phillips, Elaine Germont Gavette, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, Laura Lee Donahew Cain, Lucille DeBato Martin, Nancy Lewis Farley, Darlene McCoy Wallace, Kathy Skinner Hussion, and Marlena McClung Efaw.

Nathy Crescenzi Janes, Sheila Leeper Toth, Monica Bitonti Zanussi, Patty Priolette Johnson, Shirley Varner Downs, Marianne Lobuts Coceano, Laura Lobuts Viglianco, Sally Church Browning, Norma Goode White, Barbara McDowell Richardson, Belinda Boord Eagle, Estaline Fleming, Cecily McAteer Enos, Myrna Kay Charlton, Lori Cole, Gretchen Hite Drake, and Lisa Cole.

Standing against wall:  Bobbi Bane Mohrman, Rosalie Sauro Drazba, Patty Perella Nemec, Doris Leeper Toothman, Carol Ballah Amos, Diana Moore Yanero, Georgiana Bissett Prickett, Danielle Gibbles Wood, and Karen Shannon.

Choose Louise Leonard at left to read the memorial of sisters and immediate family members.

Gamma sisters enjoyed a lovely holiday luncheon meeting at the home of Lois Muto Laughlin.

Lisa Cole, Charleene Holmes, Gretchen Hite Drake, and Tammy Mullenax

Pictured above are the members of Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae who attended their recent meeting here. SITTING (from left) — Nancy Clelland Corrothers, Laura Lee Donahew Cain, Patty Garcia Branham, Carol Ballah Amos, Georgeanne Bissett Prickett, Carole Billotta Warner, Nancy Bennett Jones and Elaine Germont Gavette. STANDING — Betty Sue Dugan Phillips, Lois Muto Laughlin, Jean Thralls Snider, Debbie Haught Prezioso, Bobbi Bane Mohrman, Donna Robinson Merrifield, Roselie Sauro Drazba, Maggie DeBellis Arcure, Sally Church Browning, Lucille Debato Martin, Kay Hess Charlton, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, Norma Goode White, Ellen McAteer Snyder, Joan Welty Scott and Laura Viglianco Boyce. 


Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae members gather

FAIRMONT — Members of the Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae, along with members of Phi Mu Fraternity, celebrated the 89th anniversary of the Gamma Chi Chi Sorority which was held in the West Virginia Room of Valley World’s of Fun.

Gamma Chi Chi had its beginnings on the campus of Fairmont State College in 1926, becoming the first social sorority on the campus. The alumnae formed in 1932. The alumnae has remained active and continues to support interests in the various programs provided by Fairmont State University, one of which is the Gamma Scholarship Endowment.

In 1965, Gamma Chi Chi
 became affiliated with the national fraternity of Phi Mu.

Vice president Lois Muto Laughlin warmly welcomed the ladies. The invocation was given by Elaine Germont Gavette. Following a lunch, Laughlin introduced singer and entertainer Tony Starkey, who entertained the guests with delightful hit songs of the past, Remembering Gamma Phi Mu history with the game of bingo was presented by Norma Goode White.

Following the program, Laughlin conducted the business meeting in the absence of president Mary Jo Vincent Thomas.

The scholarship report was given by Nancy Clelland
 Corrothers. She announced that Brittney Rimmer was the 2014 recipient of the endowment. This year ’s recipient has not been announced. The Gamma Chi Chi endowment continues to grow annually.

The treasurer’s report was given by Laura Lee Donnehew Cai, and the annual Gamma report was given by secretary Maureen Kennedy Wolfe. Donna Robinson Merrifield presented the Phi Mu annual report.

The Louise Leonard Memorial service was conducted by Laura Viglianco Boyce and Lois Laughlin. Gammas and immediate family members who passed away during the past year were remembered.

Gamma sisters were Betty Morgan Facemire, Jerry Martin Legg, Diane Hutchinson Parker, Audrey Ashbridge Phillips and Twila Loudenslager Quisenberry.

Family members remembered were Manuel Garcia, Ed Hood, Tim Ireland, Thomas Oliveto, Carol Jean Sine Kirtley, Thomas Oliveto and Carolyn Springer Wilbourne.

The afternoon concluded with the singing of the Gamma song written by the late Betty Morgan Facemire and the Phi Mu Sister’s Song led by Donna Robinson Merrifield.

The next meeting of the Gamma Alumnae will be held at the Copper House Grill on Oct. 19 at 1 p.m.


The sisters of Gamma Chi Chi and Phi Mu enjoyed a reunion today.  Vice President Lois Muto Laughlin welcomed everyone on behalf of President Mary Jo Thomas, absent because of an Alaskan cruise with her daughter Rosemary to celebrate her birthday.  Tony Starkey provided several vocal selections.  The members enjoyed playing Gamma/Phi Mu bingo developed by Norma Goode White.  Nancy Clelland Corrothers presented a report on the scholarship and Laura Lee Donehew Cain gave the treasurer's report.  Maureen Kennedy Wolfe presented an informational annual Gamma report and Donna Robinson Merrifield provided a report about Phi Mu.  Lois Muto Laughlin and Laura Viglianco Boyce presented the Louise Leonard Memorial for Gamma sisters Betty Morgan Facemire, Geraldine Jane "Jerry" Martin Legg, Diane Hutchinson Parker, Aubrey Ashbridge Phillips, and Twila Loudenslager Quesenberry and immediate family members Manuel Garcia, Jr., father of Patricia Garcia Branham; Ed Hood, brother of Mary Lee Hood Uveges and husband of Ann McCord Hood; Tim Ireland, husband of Jean Blair Ireland; Carol Jean Sine Kirtley, sister of Ginger Sine Bunner; Thomas Oliveto, brother of Irene Oliveto Lobuts; and Carolyn Springer Wilbourne, sister of Barbara Springer Hancock.

The officers have made available the schedule for the year and invite you to attend as many events as possible.

89th Reunion:  Saturday, August 1, 2015  11:30 am Social  Noon Pictures  12:30 Luncheon  West Virginia Room at Valley Worlds of Fun Complex (Pleasant Valley Road, Fairmont)

Picnic at Estaline Fleming residence on Rock Lake on June 15, 2015 at 12:00.  

Unless it is a holiday, we meet the third Monday for regular meetings with the convention traditionally held the first Saturday in August. 

Reminders:  If you have names for the Louise Leonard Memorial Award (deceased sisters or immediate family members of our sisters who have passed since our last reunion, please let us know.

Fairmont State University Foundation, Inc. continues to accept donations to our scholarship fund.  Please make out your check to the Foundation (1201 Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV  26554) and note in the memo Gamma Chi Chi Scholarship Fund.  Our next recipient will be announced at our reunion.

August 1, 2015 marks the day for our 89th convention to be held once again at the West Virginia Room in Valley Worlds of Fun.  11:30 is the social hour, 12:00 is the formal group picture, and 12:30 is lunch.  Expect to receive an invitation and reservation blank in the mail.

Gamma Chi Chi celebrates 88 years

FAIRMONT — Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae of Fairmont State College (University) held the annual Reunion at Valley Worlds of Fun in the beautiful West Virginia Room, celebrating 88 years as a sorority. The sorority was founded by a group of students of Morrow Hall in 1926 and was first called “The Green Coat Club.”

The reunion began with social hour in the West Virginia room of the Worlds of Fun complex where college-day memories and family “catchups” were shared by the sorority sisters. Group pictures were taken by Rose Mary Thomas.

Mary Jo Thomas welcomed members of Alumnae of Gamma Chi Chi and Phi Mu sororities and attending guests to a luncheon and thanked staff members of Valley Worlds of Fun for the preparation and serving of the lunch. Lois Laughlin offered the invocation. Following lunch, the group was entertained with a variety of patriotic songs performed a cappella by Ashley Bainbridge and Michael Carpenter. They began their program singing the “Star Spangled Banner” and ended with “Take Me Home, Country Roads.”

Following lunch, Thomas conducted the business meeting. Nancy Corrothers, chairman of the Gamma Chi Chi Endowment Fund, reported that since 2005 scholarships from the fund in the amount of $7,840 have been awarded to students at Fairmont State University.

This year’s recipient was Ashley Dawn Hans, a sophomore from Marshall County.

Laura Cain gave a treasury report and added that the sorority had also contributed to the community, making donations to the Woman’s Club of Fairmont and to the East-West Stadium renovation. Sorority activity reports of the past year were given by Maureen Wolfe from Gamma Chi Chi and Debbie Havlichek of Phi Mu.

The Louise Leonard Memorial, honoring members and family members who had passed away during the past year, was conducted with the reading of names and lighting of candles. Conducting the service were Laura Viglianco Boyce, Danielle Wood and Bobbi Mohrman.

Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae officers installed at the meeting were: Mary Jo Thomas, president; Lois Laughlin, vice president; Maureen Wolfe, secretary; and Laura Cain, treasurer.

The reunion meeting was closed with the singing of the Gamma Chi Chi song, composed by Betty Facemire, and fortunately, was led by the songwriter herself.

Attending the reunion were Danielle Wood, Laura Viglianco Boyce, Mary Jo Thomas, Lucille Martin, Estaline May Fleming, Nancy Bennett Jones, Jane Barnes, Bonnie Jarrett, Maureen Wolfe, Laura Cain, Kay Charlton, Paula Beerbower Hall, Sharon Varner Dunham, Shirley Varner Downs, Nancy Corrothers, Jean Vandergrift Brent, Virginia Sine Bonner, Lois Laughlin, Elaine Germont Gavette, Trinity Obernderfer, Debbie Havlichek, Bobbi Mohrman, Sally Church Browning, Rosalie Drazba, Mary Frye, Betty Sue Phillips, Beverly Wiles Bunner, Diana Welty, Joan Welty Scott, Betty Morgan Facemire, Michael Carpenter and Ashley Bainbridge.

Pictured at their 88th reunion celebration are sisters of Gamma Chi Chi and Phi Mu Beta Chi Chapter. The 2014 reunion was held iin the West Virginia Room at Valley World's of Fun. Gamma Chi Chi was the first sorority at Fairmont State. The local chapler affiliated with Phi Mu in 1965. Front row, from left: Nancy Bennett Jones, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, Joan Welty Scott, Jane Wellman Barnes, Bonnie Chidester Jarrett, Laura Lee Donehew Cain, Lucille Debato Martin. Second row — Elaine Germont Gavette, Betty Sue Dugan Phillips, Nancy Clelland Corrothers, Sharon Varner Dunham, Paula Beerbower Hall, Danielle Gibbles Wood, Laura Lee Lobuts Viglianco Boyce. Third row — Kay Hess Charlton, Jean Vandergrift Brent, Ginger Sine Bunner, Estaline May Fleming, Shirley Varner Downs, Sally Church Browning, Lois Muto Laughlin. Fourth row— Mary Frye, Beverly Wiles Bunner, Debbie Manly Havilchek, Bobbi Bane Mohrman, Rosalie Sauro Drazba and Mary Jo Vincent Thomas


Thanks to Bobbi Bane Mohrman for the pictures.


Mark your calendars for the upcoming Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae meeting dates.  If you are in the area we would love to have you join us Gammas and Phi Mu (Beta Chi Chapter) sisters gather throughout the year.  Contact Gamma Treasurer Laura Lee Cain at 304-366-3638 or Carol Amos at

Founder's Day Celebration (luncheon) on Monday, March 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. at GFWC Woman's Club of Fairmont  (301 First Street, Fairmont)

Summer Covered Dish Picnic on Monday, June 15, 2015 at noon at the home of Estaline May Fleming (Rock Lake)

89th reunion on Saturday, August 1, 2015 Location TBD at 11:30 a.m. for social, noon for photos, and 12:30 for luncheon.

Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae 

86th Convention was a lovely afternoon concluding with the singing of the "Gamma Song" written by Betty Morgan Facemire and "Sisters".  Celebrating sisterhood with Gamma Chi Chi and Phi Mu sisters, the meal, entertainment, meeting, and conversation provided great joy.  Carol Ballah Amos and Bobbi Bane Mohrman memorialized--our sisters, our family, our friends.

Louise Leonard was a member of the education faculty at Fairmont State College (now University) and a sorority sponsor.  The Alumnae initiated this memorial service honoring Miss Leonard as well as all Gammas and immediate family members who died during the previous year.  And so, in loving memory of these--our sisters, our family, and our friends--we light these candles.


Gamma Sisters

     Leslie Armstrong Post

     Maronee Fleming Janes Wroe

     Carolyn Cowger McCune

     Dorothy Day Maranville

     Nancy Smith Thompson

     Mary Williamson Turner

     Eleanor Freeman Judy

     Helen Clem O'Conner

     Joann Jenkins May

     Beatrice Pollock VanDyke

     Harriet Harmer

     Linda Kaye Goodwin Winternitz

Deceased Family Members

     Vete Sauro, brother of Rosalie Sauro Drazba

     Gwendolyn White, mother of Linda White Stumpo and Diane White Gutshall Slaughter

     Robert Heffner, Jr., son of Julia Morrison Heffner

     Thomas Prozillo, husband of Norma Jean Wegman Prozillo

     Lena Champ Golden, mother of Shirley Champ Stanton

     David Flowers, son of Charlotte Lowell Flowers

     Dr. Jim Priester, father of Carol Sloan, Stephanie Price, and Barbara Lucas

     William "Bill" Stewart, husband of Karen Kacor Stewart

     Paul J. Lowell, Sr., father of Charlotte Lowell Flowers

     James H. Patechuk, father of Sheena Patechuk Noe

     Hannah Lou Hardway, the first lady of Fairmont State from 1973-1982 and wife of Dr. Wendell G. Hardway

Gammas will always meet on the third Monday of the month with months and times listed below.  The Convention is traditionally held on the first Saturday of August.

Gammas will gather Monday, October 15, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at the Poky Dot Restaurant, 1111 Fairmont Aenue for a luncheon and will order from the menu.

"Founders Day" will be a luncheon and celebrated at the Fairmont Women's Club on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.

The Gamma "Covered Dish Picnic" will be hosted by Estaline Fleming.  The time for the picnic is set for 1:00 p.m., Monday, June 17, 2013.

The 2013 "Convention" will be held the first Saturday in August: August 3, 2013.

For further information, contact Gamma Secretary Maureen Kennedy Wolfe at 304-363-2134.

Reported in the Times West-Virginian on June 24, 2012

The Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae met recently in the home of Lucille Martin for their annual picnic.

Following a delicious lunch, Laura Boyce presided in the absence of Mary Jo Thomas, president.

Reports were given by recording secretary Norma White and treasurer Laura Cain. Plans for the 86th reunion celebration were discussed, which will be held at the Fairmont Field Club on Saturday, Aug. 4. The social hour will begin at 11:30 a.m., and group picture will be taken at noon with the meal served at 12:30 p.m.

Newsletters have been sent by corresponding secretary Bobbi Mohrman to the active local and out-of-town alumnae members of both Gamma Chi Chi and PhiMu.

The Louise Leonard Memorial will be given by Maureen Wolfe and Carol Amos.

Reporting on the scholarship will be Nancy Corrothers.

Highlighting the afternoon’s entertainment will be Benjamin De Fazio and Lindsey Lowe.

New officers for 2012-13 will be installed. They are Shirley Stanton, president; Mary Jo Thomas, vice presi­dent; Maureen Wolfe, secretary; and Laura Cain, treasurer.

The members are looking forward to a large turnout as the Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae and Phi Mu Alumnae celebrate our 86th anniversary.

Gamma Chi Chi was the first social sorority established on the campus of Fairmont State College in 1926. The alumnae organized in 1932. The sorority was organized with ideals of maintaining a high scholastic standing, to take an active part in school activities and to foster lifelong friendships.

Those attending the picnic were: Laura Boyce, Ellen Snyder, Nancy Corrothers, Norma White, Elaine Veltri, Estaline Fleming, Carol Amos, Marie Murrin, Bobbi Mohrman, Laura Cain, Lucille Martin and
Jean Bane, guest.

85th Convention:  I thoroughly enjoyed Gamma Chi Chi Convention by spending a lovely afternoon with Gamma and Phi Mu sisters, eating fabulous food at the Field Club, and listening to talented singer Greg DeVito (missed you Dani; hope you feel better soon). Singing Country Roads and the Gamma Song concluded a perfectly pleasant eighty fifth celebration.  The Convention is traditionally held on the first Saturday of August.  This year's convention was held Saturday, August 6, 2011 at the Fairmont Field Club, 1709 Country Club Road, Fairmont WV.  Special thanks to officers Mary Jo Vincent Thomas, Laura Viglianco Boyce, Norma Goode White, Bobbi Bane Mohrman, and Laura Lee Donehew Cain.
Gamma Chi Chi alumnae include: SEATED (from left) — Anne Blair Morgan, Barbara Springs Hancock, Helen Ford Nuzum, Laura Donehew Cain, Betty Sue Sugan Phillips, Marie Murrian, Bevelyn Fluharty Greene, Maureen Kennedy Wolfe, Rosalie Sauro Drazba and Bobbi Bane Mohrman. SECOND ROW — Carol Ballah Amos, Georgiana Bissett Prickett, Elaine Germont Gavette, Lois Muto Laughlin, Nancy Bennett Jones, Joan Welty Scott, Sally Church Browning, Mary Louise Stewart Martin, Nancy Clelland Corrothers, Dana Reynolds, Maggie De Bellis Arcure, Elaine Tharp Veltri, Norma Goode White, Lucille Dabata Martin and Mary Jo Vincent Thomas. THIRD ROW — Barbara McDowell Richardson, Laura Lobuts Boyce, Joan Thralls Bevan, Joan Cunningham Johnson, Jean Thralls Snyder, Danielle Gibbles Wood, Cecily McAteer Enos, Nancy Cline De Rosa, Estaline May Charlton, Donna Robinson Merrifield, Kay Hess Charlton, Debbie Manley Havlichek, Linda Steindler Moore, Patty Perrella Nemec and Diann Moore Hayes.
Gamma Chi Chi reunion Gamma Chi Chi Sorority had its beginnings on the campus of Fairmont State College in 1926, the first sorority on the campus. Recently, alumnae members celebrated their 85th anniversary at the Fairmont Field Club. In 1966, the Gamma Chi Chi Sorority, being a social sorority, became affiliated with Phi Mu, a national sorority. Many Phi Mu alumnae attended and were warm­ly welcomed. Laura Donahew Cain registered the guests. Norma Goode White hand-painted and distributed name tags. Tables were beautifully deco­rated with green and white appointments, which included favors, programs and prizes. The lighted shield was dis­played with the sorority’s Greek letters. Scrapbooks, pictures, vari­ous favors and memorabilia were on display. President Mary Jo Vincent Thomas welcomed the Gamma and Phi Mu sisters. Nancy Bennett Jones gave the invocation. Following a delicious lunch, Thomas introduced Greg DeVito, guest musician, who entertained with a program of contemporary songs and ballads using a guitar and piano accompaniment. Nancy Clelland Corrothers reported on the Gamma Scholarship Fund, thanking the members for their continued sup­port of the endowment, which continues to grow. Reports were given by Cain, treasurer, and White, recording secretary. Debbie Manley Havlichek gave an update report on the Phi Mu yearly meetings. Gammas and Phi Mus were recognized by the decade, as well as those who traveled from out of state.




Covered Dish Picnic, hosted by Lucille Martin for the Gamma sisters at her home on June 20, 2011, provided a lovely afternoon.


The Gamma Chi Chi Alumnae met recently in the home of Lucille Martin for their annual picnic luncheon.

Following a delicious lunch, Laura Boyce presided in the absence of Mary Jo Thomas, president.

Reports were given by Recording Secretary Norma White and Treasurer Laura Cain. Plans for the annual conven­tion were discussed, which will be held at the Fairmont Field Club on Saturday, Aug. 6. The social hour will begin at 11:30 a.m., and group pictures will be at noon, with the meal served at 12:30 p.m.

The invocation will be given by Nancy Jones. The newsletters will be sent by corresponding secretary Bobbi Mohrman. She will also provide the printed pro­gram.

The Louise Leonard Memorial will be given by Norma White and Marie Murrin. Reporting on the scholarship will be Nancy Corrothers. Highlighting the afternoon’s entertainment will be Greg and Dani Devito.

Carol Amos was thanked for her ongoing contributions to the Gamma Chi Chi website. She keeps the Gammas informed of monthly events, meetings, etc.

Members of Phi Mu Alumnae have been invited to attend the convention.

Those attending were Carol Amos, Laura Boyce, Doris Lea Cain, Laura Cain, Estaline Charlton, Nancy Corrothers, Betty Facemire, Lucille Martin, Bobbi Mohrman, Joan Morgan, Marie Murrin, Betty Sue Phillips, Norma White and Maureen Wolfe.

Earlier this spring, Founder’s Day was observed at the Fairmont Woman’s Club. This year, the sorority is observing its 85th anniversary.

Gamma Chi Chi was the first social sorority established by Fairmont State College in 1926. The alumnae organized in 1932. The sorority was organized with the ideals of maintaining a high scholastic standing, to take an active part in school activities and to foster lifelong friend­ships.


Gammas will always meet on the third Monday of the month with months and times listed below. 

Gammas will gather Monday, September 19, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. at the Poky Dot Restaurant, 1111 Fairmont Avenue for a luncheon, and will order from the menu.

Poky Dot will be our meeting place set for Monday, November 21, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.

Gamma Officers and Founders Day Planning Committee will gather at Muriale's Restaurant on Monday, February 20, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

"Founders Day" will be a luncheon and celebrated at the Fairmont Women's Club on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

Monday, April 16, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. the "Spring Meeting" will be held at the Poky Dot Restaurant, and again, members will order from the menu.

The coveted Gamma "Covered Dish Picnic" will be hosted by Estaline Charlton.  The time for the picnic is set for 1:00 p.m., Monday, June 18, 2012.

Gamma Officers and Convention Planning Committee Members will meet at the Middletown Mall Colasessano's Restaurant on Monday, July 16, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

The 2012 "Convention" will be held the first Saturday in August; August 4, 2012.

For further information regarding meetings please frequently check the website.  If you are in the area or if you plan to be visiting and in the area please attend our meetings.  We "Welcome our Sisters".  Contact 2011 Gamma President Mary Jo Thomas at 304-366-2912, or email Carol Amos at


Please click on Profiles of Sisters for initial registration

The 85th Convention has been booked at Fairmont Field Club.

Gamma Chi Chi members present at the 2009 Convention at Muriale's Restaurant were as follows: FRONT (from left) — Bobbie Atha Strosnider, Bobbi Bane Mohrman, Leslie Armstrong Post, Suzanne Delblasio Adato, Mary Joe Pulice Benedetto, Teri Turner McLaughlin and Sonya Hughes Kearney. SEC­OND ROW — Betty Mauer Jaynes, Anne Holbert, Anne Blair Morgan, Dr. Thomas Krepel, Mary Jo Vincent Thomas, Mary Louise Stewart Martin, Joan Cunningham Johnson, Dr. Suzanne Thralls Snyder and Becky Larosa Fresa. THIRD ROW — Laura Lobuts Boyce, Amureen Kennedy Wolfe, Carol Ballah Amos, Carole Bilotta Warner, Helen Ford Nuzum, Nancy Clelland Corrothers, Marie Murrin, Lucille Dabato Martin, Betty Sue Dugan Phillips, Betty Morgan Facemire, Mary Jane Williams Hewitt, Becky Bane Johnson, Elaine Germont Gavette, Sue Lynch Baldini, Doris Lea Shaffer Cain, Judy Wilt Rowley and Rosalie Sauro Drazba. FOURTH ROW — Laura Donahew Cain, Lois Muto Laughlin, Bevelyn Fluharty Greene, Joan Latham Morgan, Joan Thralls Bevan, Jean Thralls Snyder, Norma Goode White, Mary Lee Hood Uveges, Dana Reynolds, Sally Church Browning, Danielle Gribbles Wood, Estaline May Charlton and Nancy Painter Wagers. Unphotographed were Marlene Tiano Hinig and Carolyn Frederick Grove.

Gamma Chi Chi alumnae celebrated the 83rd reunion of the sorority at Muriale’s restaurant.
  Following a social hour and luncheon, vice president Mary Jo Vincent Thomas welcomed the group and introduced Dr. Thomas Krepel, president of Fairmont State University, who was warmly welcomed to the campus by the sorority. He thanked the group for the opportunity to meet them. He shared his personal history, the importance of being committed to education, the need to foster civic involvement and his desire to motivate students to follow their passions, interests and abilities in making life choices. He praised the alum­nae for their continued support of the university in financial, leadership and active interest in the various programs provided by FSU.
  Norma Goode White gave the invocation. A business meeting followed with Thomas presiding in the absence of Shirley Champ Stanton. Reports were given by Nancy Clelland Corrothers, Laura Donehew Cain and Lucille Dabato Martin.
  Gammas were recognized by the decade with alumnae being present from the ’30s, ’40s, ’50s, ’60s and ’90s. The largest representation was the 1960s. Alumnae were also introduced from the states of Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and South Carolina.
  Carol Ballah Amos was rec­ognized and thanked for creat­ing and maintaining a Gamma Chi Chi Web site. Bobbie Bane Mohrman awarded prizes for the first and second place online registrations to Sonya Hughes Kearney and Judy Wilt Rowley. First and second reservations by mail were Marlene Tiano Hinig and Anne Holbert.
  Door prizes were won by Joan Thralls Bevan, Teri Turney McLaughlin, Suzanne Thralls Snyder, Marlene Tiano Hinig, Judy Wilt Rowley, Doris Lee Shaffer Cain and Maureen Kennedy Wolfe.
  The Lousie Leonard Memorial was presented by Carol Amos, assisted by Terri McLaughlin. Gamma sisters remembered were Ruth Tedrick Brown, Mary Eleanor Wilt, Betty Smith Rose, Mary Talbott Wilson, Francis Hollister Valko, Anna Lee Mouser Ford and Gladys McAdoo Wildman. Deceased family members remembered were Mary Ann Bissett, mother of Georgiana Bissett Prickett; Helen Carr, sis­ter of Jackie Donaldson Loudin; Michael Forte, husband of Gloria Guido Forte, deceased; R.D. McMillian, husband of Elizabeth Dixon McMillan; James Wilt, father of Judy Wilt Rowley; Charles Wolfe, brother of Sally Wolfe Boyles; William Young, husband of Alice Campbell Young, deceased; James Bartley, husband of Eleanor Stanley Bartley; and Mary Louise Hood, mother of Mary Lee Hood Uveges.
  The afternoon ended with the singing of the old favorite Gamma songs. Betty Morgan Facemire led the group singing the official Gamma song, which she composed.
  Officers for the alumnae are president Shirley Stanton, vice president Mary Jo Thomas, recording secretary Norma White, corresponding secretary Bobbi Mohrman and treasurer Laura Cain.


Lovely luncheon; fabulous fun!

Let's do it again next year on the first Saturday in August.

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of the sisters of Gamma Chi Chi so keep coming back for

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