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Welcome to the Garnett High School Classes Of 1965 - 1995 web site.  If this is your first visit click on Bulldog Profiles, (top left), then your graduation year, click on your name, then you will see "Join Here", then click the link "click here now", to fill out your profile.  If you do not see your name under your class year please click on the Contact Us button (top), and provide me with your name (ladies please include maiden name) and the YEAR you graduated and I will add your name to your graduation class.

Please include your CLASS YEAR in the SUBJECT line of all your E-Mails. 






Gary Bach (1979)  9/25
Billy Eyman (1979)  10/7
John Helms (1979)  10/8
Dennis Powls (1982)  10/19
