Trish Kvasager Belker

Profile Updated: May 10, 2008
Other than Grand Forks where have you lived since HS? Grand Forks, ND USA
What is an interesting thing about your spouse or partner? Lenny
Occupations that I have had include..... Travel
Children Jayda and Jenna, born January, 1999
Yes! Attending Reunion

I just want to say "thank you" to everyone that has shared pictures and stories.....I ALMOST feel like I'm 16 again.....almost! I had some great pictures, but like most everyone else, they got washed down that damn river!

I've been reading what everyone else is up to and my life sounds sooo boring! I still live in the cold tundra of Grand Forks, got married in '94 to Lenny Belker (1987 R.R. Alumni (boo!) and have two great girls - Jayda and Jenna.

After graduation I headed to UND -- and decided that I would rather work, party, and drink like a fish (besides, the parking spaces at UND were just way too far from class and it's so cold in the winter) I ended up at the University of MN, Crookston. Got my degree and decided I needed to move to Minneapolis for a little extra boost in my education.

I returned to GF and opened up my own travel agency. I decided I wasn't making enough money...okay, no money, so I went to work for the UND Energy & Environmental Research Center. I really love what I do and if I don't win the lottery, I will probably be there until I die....nice thought, huh?

Other than working, I spend time chasing after my girls, going to the lake, and just doing the "mom thing." I guess I wouldn't have it any other way!

School Story

My Lord, there were so many great times! I've been having such a wonderful time reading stories from everyone else -- it just brings back the best of times!

I remember grade school at Lake Agassiz -- the sleep overs with Michelle N. and Colleen H. We could always, always, count on Brad P. and Travis H. to pound on our windows in the middle of the night and "try" to scare the you-know-what out of us....

Junior High -- Who could forget the parties at Angie W's, Michelle K's, or Jeff Steenerson's? Jeff always had the kindest, sweetest heart and I'll always miss him!

Central -- Awww, the shoulder pads, the 80's hair band music, and best of all - the Texas hair! There was nothing better than teasing that hair toward heaven! Damn, we all looked good!

I've been thinking back to all of the gas we wasted cruising Washington, (Stacy K., remember the "white shoes") all the movies at the Drive-Inn, and "midnight bowling." I just pray that my kids don't do half of the things that we did! I remember our Prom night and how amazing everyone looked -- wouldn't it be fun to get it back for one night?

Looking back, I wish that I would've spent more time getting to know everyone and not trying so hard to grow up and get out of school. The time just goes so fast!

If anyone would like to get together before the reunion and share a few stories, (maybe have a drink or two), I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again for all the memories - and thanks to the committee for doing an amazing job with the reunion and this web-site.

Look forward to seeing each and everyone in August!

Shit, did you know that there are only about 91 days (give or take one or two) to this reunion? I don't have time to talk now -- I've gotta lose the 60lbs. that I've gained, make an appt. for botox, fix my dark roots, have lipo, and a million other things -- Argh!

Hope everyone stays happy and healthy and I'll see you all soon!

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