Karen Schneider Hewitt

Profile Updated: February 24, 2014
Karen Schneider
Residing In: Sound Beach, NY USA
Spouse/Partner: Thomas Hewitt
Occupation: Accounting Clerk
Children: Jesse, born 1974-M

Colby, born 1977-F

Rory, born 1982-M
Yes! Attending Reunion

I went to Jacksonville University for 2 years.Lived in Iowa with my Hauppauge HS sweetheart,Tom Hewitt(class of '67).We were married in 1972.We have 3 children & 9 grand-
children. I work in a hospital in the Finance Department. Tom and I try to travel as much as we can.We love the Caribbean and have been to many islands.We also enjoy the Outerbanks.

Karen's Latest Interactions

Feb 24, 2014 at 5:32 PM