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•   Barney Sherman  7/26
•   Rick Brody  7/10
•   Bonnie Garland (Guss)  6/2
•   Michael Wolf  5/15
•   Debbie Moran (Allison)  5/14
•   Marty Fine  1/25
•   Shari Brenner  8/22
•   Gary Sprung (Gary Lowell Sprung)  8/1
•   Richard Bernstein  4/16
•   Leslie Powell (Jacobson)  4/2
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Highland Park High School
Class Of 1971

Well, that  was a lot of fun; here are a few pictures; more to follow.  Please upload photos or e mail them to if you want me to upload them.  



It's been a while, but here we are again.

Your webmaster deserves not just a slap on the wrist, but a kick in the butt for failing to update the site for such a long time. Here are a few new items for your consideration:


MORE PHOTOS, and a note about classmate spouses. Our informal, unscientific observations suggest that fewer spouses attended this reunion compared to our 10th, 20th and 30th.

But those who did seem to fall into several general categories: [1] those who attend because they're afraid what their spouses might do without them there, [2] those who attend because the classmate insists they do so, and [3] those who really want to attend because they just love a party and totally get into the celebratory nature of the whole thing.

Sandy Presant, Nancy Loeb's husband, is firmly in the last camp. It was hard to find anyone at the event who was more enthusiastic and effusive. He also took some great pictures -- a link to which we've posted on the "Reunion Pics" page. [Actually we received these right after the reunion, but for some reason -- again, the slothfulness of your webmaster -- they got lost in the shuffle.] Thanks, Sandy! You are more than welcome at any and all future class functions.


SURVEY SAYSWe are trying to determine the best way to extend the positive feelings this past summer's events generated. So we've created a survey in which we want everyone's input, whether or not you attended. Click on the "What Now?" link on the left, and let us know what you think.



Click on the Message Forum link in the menu on the left side of this page to see what people are saying, and feel free to share.

Here are just a few pics from our Friday night gathering at Teddy O'Brian's: 







Greetings All, great to see everyone again. If you're wondering who the heck is that woman in the main page photo, her name is Mercedes and she is not a graduate of HPHS (actually from Caracas, Venezuela). We met and fell in love while attending graduate school at the U of I and were married soon after. This is the 3rd class reunion she has attended so maybe you recognize her face? Stay safe, our thoughts and prayers continue for all those affected by the 4th of July tragedy. All the best & HP Strong, Jim Crovetti

No staffing resolutions at work for me so I will definitely have to Miss this year's reunion. Hopefully retired by the next one.
Everyone, please enjoy the weekend and have a Healthy and Happy life.
Until next time.
Rick Scoglio
