40th Reunion Pics

Links to online photo shares

2012 update:

  • Sandy Presant,  who is married to our own Nancy Loeb,  sent this series of photos from both the Friday and Saturday night events.
  • An anonymous donor sent these shots of the Friday night party. We like to give credit where credit is due, so if these are your pictures, let us know so we can thank you publicly.


Thanks to the generosity of classmates Leslie Petranek Farcy and Michael Rosengarden, we were lucky enough to have Richard Shay -- one of the best event photographers anywhere -- document our party at Michael's [with the help of his significant other, Jamie Mandell, who is also the sister of our classmate Gregg]. They did a spectacular job of capturing the spirit and energy of the evening.

Go to the HPHS Class of '71 photostream at flickr to see the first set of photos from Richard Shay and Jamie Mandell. The second set is on Picasa Web.

Remember that you can do whatever you like with them. Thanks to Leslie  and Michael,  we own all the rights, so you can save them or print them if you like.


Here are links to more photos:



Many of you bought the group photo taken by Tom Killoran Photography the night of the reunion, but some of you may not have realized they were available for purchase at the event. If you'd still like to buy one, go to  www.tomkilloranphotography.com.


In the meantime, if you have the two part picture and can't recognize who is who, Karen Meldman Finerman has come to your rescue by preparing this index:  



A - M Picture (Left Picture):
Front row:  Phil Erbe, Jill Greenbaum, Jim Lurie seated on floor, Alice Bennett, Julie Anixter, Rick Brody, Nancy Lakin, Wendy Eichenbaum, Marv Bloom, Jerry Bernay, Rick Calhoun, Lenny Innocenzi, not sure
Second Row:  Donna Giese, Rose Hansen, Judy Levey, Debbie Eyles, Patti Davidson, Deborah Caringella, Jody Joseph, Claudia Mendelson, Debbie Bartoni, Gayle Goldblatt, Karen Mills, Jill Glaser, Laurie Amsterdam, Judy Freeman, Judi Miller
Third row:  David Fuller, Jerry Johnston, Jill Leslie, David Carman, Jill Cope, Nancy Benson, SUsan Frank, Pam Holmes, Karen Altay, Lauren Miller, Sue Fink, David Hart, Deborah Krupp, Jeff Melvoin, Barb Buhai, Cici Haskins, Harlan Bass
Fourth Row:  Jeff Levy, Mark Keil, Jerrold Marks, Lori Kirsh, Harlan Breger, Laurie Mayer, Liz Lipski, Karen Meldman, Phil Berger, Cliff Mazer, Donald Altman, Joy Kalin, Laurie Solgon
Back Row:  Joe Bartolai, Nancy Loeb, Diane Freeman, David Axelrod, Jack Moses, Kim Hogrefe, Nancy Lawton, Bob Keats, Todd Mandel
Back Row:  David Cantagallo, Steve Lane, Mike Lembeck, Barb Hartman, Bruce Koff


N - Z (Right picture):
Front row:  Susie Lewin, Wendy Wirth, Larry Spanier, Ellen Rosenblum, Ilene Resnick, Debbie Reinisch, Leslie Winter, Karen Mills, Rick Piacenza
Second row:  Lynne Wolf, Beth Smoler, Mary Vogds, Judy Tamarri, Ingrid Ostebo, Debbie Rade, Denise Siegel, Leslie Powell, Karen Shore, Larry Segil, Mike Young, Bob Popke, Lanis Jacobs, Mark Isenstein
Third Row:  Jim Paulson, Jim Schuster, Rolly Stein, Jan Shulman, Jane Weil, Martha Telpner, Mark Schulman, John Preskill, Roberta Gross, Rick  Scoglio, Judi Miller
Fourth row:  Dan Stern, Garry Zimmerman, Bob Wald, Debi Silberman, Bill Terman, Rick Natkin, Bob Saltzman, Joel Pathman, Mark Pattis, Mike Rubin, Laurie Solgon, Kerry Wolfe, Harvey Wolf
Back Row:  Bill Norwell, Mike Wolf, Leslie Petranek, Mike Rosengarden, Tom Suber, Doug Van Arsdale