Profile Updated: August 8, 2009
Residing In Fort Myers, FL USA
Spouse/Partner Single and Happy
Occupation Office Administrator
Children I am a proud pet parent. Crawfish, fish, snails, bunnies, guinea pigs, hamster and a puppy. Who would More…have thought God's little creatures could bring so much joy.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I hope life is great for everyone. I am thankful to live in the SUNSHINE STATE. I don't know if anyone even remembers me in high school. I guess I was kind of quiet. Now a days I'm making up for lost time. If I could go back in time - I would have gotten to know all my classmates much better. I reckon back then I was an introvert but now I am an extrovert. I love life, people are interesting, and everyone has a story. To everyone I say - Be yourself and the one thing you can wear that makes you totally attractive is a SMILE:-) May ya'll be good and may God Bless You.

School Story

In all honesty - I hated school. I was to far to shy. But life after school is good. The one thing I learned is the is no room for shyness in your life if your are going to be fulfilled and totally happy.

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