In Memory

Donald Crews

Donald Crews

Many Blessings to Donald's family and friends!

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06/24/19 06:23 PM #1    

Michael Angelo Juliano

I am still in shock that Don is no longer with us. We kept in touch via email, and shared many of the same beliefs, spiritually, as well as socially, and politically. Sadly, with so many posts being added each day to my email, I did not notice that Don had stopped posting. My heart aches for his beautiful wife and family. Don and I had so many good times during our senior year at Lee, when Don and I grew close as friends. So many laughs. So many memories. And it was good to reconnect with him a couple of years ago. I was already hoping to get together with Don to attend a football game at Lee, for the upcoming season. Don was a wonderful person. And his love for our Lord and Savior was an inspiration. I miss him tremendously, but I am also looking forward to our reunion in God's Kingdom, at the appointed hour. Thank you, Don, for your friendship. You will never be forgotten.

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