school pictures

The above pictures were submitted by George Montgomery

Pictures from left to right:

1.  Jill Schroeder and Chad Kroupa at graduation

2.  3rd grade candy houses (Jill Schroeder and Terry Witte)

3.  Senior float

4.  3rd grade candy house (Lynette or Lori Mayer and Randy Roehl)

5.  5th grade Thanksgiving play L-R back row: Tina Nichols, Dan Christian, Bill Fincutter, Randy Roehl  - middle row:  Jenny Achenbach, Marsha Gerstner, Darci Klockow - front row:  Kelly Tschech, Kristen Hunn, Mark Patrick, Chrissi Johnson, Kenny Carlin.

6.  3rd grade candy house (Lisa Fleischmann and Kathi Messer)

Above Pictures submitted by Darci


The pictures above were submitted by Kathi:

Row 1:  Darci Klockow, Lynette or Lori Mayer, Marlee Liaromatis

 Row 2:  Dawn Reinders, Genni Southcott, Jill Schroeder and Kathi

Row 3:  David (?), Kathi, Darci, Tina Nichols, Nicci Borbiro, Lynette, Marlee and Lori (picture was taken in the High School after the fire)




