In Memory

Ed McEntee

Ed McEntee was born February 3 ,1939. He passed away in California in March 1978 of a heart attack .

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03/27/09 09:47 PM #1    

Kay Jensen (Maser)

Well, he was simply the most fun and the cutest guy! I dated him for at least a year, and was crazy about him. Gloria Salleng was dating Jim Welty, who was a good friend of Ed's, so we would often double-date. Gloria lived next door to me. One freezing, snowy winter night, Gloria and I knew that Ed and Jim were hanging out at the Pool Hall, and we decided to spy on them. So we walked downtown to the Pool Hall, found Jim's 1955 Ford in the parking lot, and it was unlocked. We climbed in the back seat and crouched down on the floor. Ed and Jim came out eventually, got in the car and drove off. We got to listen to about 5 minutes of their conversation (censored) before we could no longer contain our giggles, and we popped up behind them. They were furious. Gloria claims she doesn't remember this story, but I swear it happened.

My father, who was an attorney, insisted I break up with Ed, when he got in trouble stealing money out of a March of Dimes donation jar at some local store.....I think this was during out Junior year. I was devastated for several weeks. If anyone reads this and remembers the details, please add your comments.

05/04/09 07:08 PM #2    

Gloria Salleng (Wenzinger)

this is too funny Kay. I can't beleive you put this on.

05/17/09 07:32 PM #3    

Kay Jensen (Maser)

Well Gloria!!! There were a few other double dates Ed and I had with you and Jim Welty......and you should be totally grateful that I didn't tell about those (tee hee).

08/18/10 07:09 PM #4    

Jack Dyer

 After much thought I think I`ve got to comment on this post.  Ed , Dick and I were pretty tight at one time while I was still in Kearney, whether he did or didnt is really not the purpose of this site.  Ed was fun to be around and at a couple partys he maned to piano.  Although he could`nt hit the side of a barn duck hunting.  

His dad was a city cop, nailed us one night for speeding, favors !!!!!!!  no way, I paid the fine. 

Lets keep the Memory page for the good t imes.

ED was my friend

02/08/11 10:42 AM #5    

Gloria Salleng (Wenzinger)

Jack Dyer, Ed and Dick Beirman came to my house one day and for whatever reason, decided they wanted bleached blond haif. And wouldn't you know my mom helped them attain it. Dicks turned out the best. His flat top looked like a feild of wheat. I always wonder what their folks thought about itwhen they went home.

08/20/11 06:11 PM #6    

Sharon Kreutzer (Neben)

I believe the "incident "occured in Pleasanton.  'Pat" Patterson ws in the group and some of them were expelled from our class.  Pat married Kay Shaffroth, they lived in Fort Worth until Kay had cancer, then they moved to Arkansas.  I lost track of them, does anyone know of their whereabouts?

Sharon Kreutzer Neben

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