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What will your DRINK preference be at the Reunion Banquet?

  Water or Tea
  Red Wine
  White Wine


•   Jacqueline Lindsey  7/2
•   Katy Mickey  2/10
•   Charrise Rhynehardt  5/9
•   Ashish Patel  4/14
•   Craig Phillips  4/12
•   Brittany Hughes  10/21
•   David Reidenbach  11/9
•   Jessica Stettler (Taylor)  11/19
•   Charles Hayley  11/18
•   Quentin Flynn  7/8
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
3 live in District Of Columbia
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
2 live in New York
75 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Utah
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
222 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


We Need Your PHOTOS!

Mike Bowers has generously offered to put together a slide show presentation for our entertainment at the reunion banquet.  Please look through your photos and send him any you think might be a good contribution.

We are especially looking for:

1. Any photos you can find from our years at East.
2. You are also encouraged to submit photos that fit the theme: "Then and Now"  So for anyone brave enough, we would greatly appreciate a photo or two from the high school era, along with a current one.

Send your photos to Mike at:



Welcome to our Class Webpage! Plans are well underway for our 10 Year Reunion! 

Reunion Events will be held Friday, August 17th and Saturday, August 18th

On Friday, August 17th we will attend a home football game at our alma mater.  This will be the first East Forsyth home football game of the 2012 season against West Forsyth.  Kick-off is set for 7:30pm.  Please bring your family out for a night under the lights and cheer on the Fighting Eagles! You will not need to RSVP for this event, just meet us at the football stadium.  Tickets for the game can be purchased at the ticket booth prior to entering the stadium.

Our 10 Year Reunion Banquet will be held on Saturday, August 18th in the ballroom of the Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden in downtown Kernersville (205 S. Main Street).  The doors will open at 6:00pm and we will keep the celebration going until 10:30pm. The evening will include a buffet dinner, dancing, and a bar serving beer and wine. You WILL need to RSVP for this event by purchasing tickets in advance. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.  (This is an ADULT only party. Limit of 2 tickets per class member up to event capacity.)

Ticket Options