In Memory

Nancy Edwards (Macklem)

Nancy Edwards (Macklem)

Nancy Genne Macklem September 22, 1949 - March 22, 2018 POINT LOMA She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

Published in The San Diego Union Tribune on Apr. 1, 2018

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03/30/18 01:59 PM #1    

Glendon Ayer, Jr.

I am really saddened to hear this. Nancy was such a swaetheart and so instrumental in helping our class stay in touch with each other....her efforts and her wonderful disposition will be missed


03/30/18 03:49 PM #2    

Tim Hardy

Well said, Glendon. I am so very sorry to hear this about Nancy. 

Anyone who got to go to any of her Seapoint Beach "mini-reunions" could see how much she identified with Kittery, Traip Academy, and especially with RTA '67.  She will certainly be missed. 

03/31/18 08:21 AM #3    

Christine Nelson (Alderson)

I so admired Nancy's optimistic look at life.With all the illnesses she had to endure the past few years, she always had plans for the future, another mini reunion in 2019 and a trip to Australia in 2020. Very sad, she will be missed.

03/31/18 05:57 PM #4    

Michael Cox

Nancy was one sweet lady. She use to email me at least once a month and share what was going on in her life. She had many hurdles to jump and did it with grace. I  will always treasure our friendship. Rest easy Nancy your work is done.



04/02/18 05:07 PM #5    

William Blaisdell

I am really saddened to hear that we have lost Nancy.  She is one of my best friends, and I really enjoyed the mini-reunions she held at her house at Sea Point.  She always had that special spark for life and I enjoyed hearing about all her travels.  Rest in peace my dear friend.

04/04/18 07:50 AM #6    

James Sponsler

You enriched all who new you. Great classmate and friend. You will surely be missed. Enjoyed our times at Seapoint. May the Lord keep you.

04/05/18 06:09 PM #7    

David Collins

Nancy always remained interested and excited about our town and her her early childhood and school friends. She loved returning to the old places and memories and inspired us to have reunions and other gatherings. Despite illness, she reveled in returning and inspired me and others to more fully understand and appreciate those years and each other. A loyal RTA '67 grad. Peace, my friend.

04/05/21 05:48 PM #8    

Dana Hendrickson

Nancy brightend every space she entered including our many classes together. She was  also the social glue that kept many of our classmates connected, and her kindness will never be forgotten. I am deeply saddened by her death.

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