Tammie Wheeler Bernard

Profile Updated: August 31, 2009
Residing In: Dunnville, KY USA
Spouse/Partner: Greg Bernard
Occupation: School Guidance Counselor
Children: Rachel, born 1996
Sidney, born 1998
Yes! Attending Reunion

I taught second grade for 11 years.
This is my third year as a elementary counselor.
I have been married 25 years this October 27.
I have two beautiful daughters. The oldest is 13 this September, and the youngest is 11. I have attended the Walnut Hill Separate Baptist Church for 17 years this October.

School Story:

A funny memory that I have now, but was not funny back then. The time that I threw a fork in the lunch room at J.W. right in front of the teachers.
Another memory is when I skipped an Alegbra test and it turned into a nightmare. Oops! I hope my daughters do not read this. Do you remember this Regina Noel?

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