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•   Eric Lange  3/12
•   Darin Docter  12/20
•   David King  12/20
•   Lacey Shafer (Rosenberger)  6/28
•   Matthew Wall  12/30
•   Jay R. Epley  12/29
•   Jeremy Brown  3/18
•   Randy Mccoy  3/13
•   Natalie Wolf  11/8
•   Sara Burns (Fendrick)  7/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
3 live in Arizona
10 live in California
7 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
4 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Guam
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
4 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
5 live in Iowa
4 live in Kansas
7 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
3 live in Minnesota
6 live in Missouri
214 live in Nebraska
1 lives in New Jersey
5 live in New York
3 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
3 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
2 live in Tennessee
6 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in South Korea
1 lives in Russian Federation
14 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



East Mission Statement
Our mission at Lincoln East High School is to empower each student to become a responsible member of society by providing a supportive and comprehensive education.



This website was created in order to share details regarding the upcoming 10 year Reunion as well as get in contact with old friends/classmates.


Please begin by updating your classmate profile and verify all information.

Please view the links on the left for more details on our 10 year Class Reunion to be held July 23rd through the 25th in Lincoln, NE.

The 10 Year Reunion Link will provide you with a schedule of events to take place as well as the opportunity to RSVP for the event and send your payment through PayPal or by check.

Additional tabs have been created to share brief information regarding the venue locations, as well as directions to the venue sites.


A local committee has been put together in Lincoln to help arrange the weekends festivities. Please reach out to them with any questions as well as your class officers.
