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•   Rick Kinley  9/17
•   Angela Donahue  12/15
•   Youree Shannon (Jones)  8/13
•   Carolyn Barnes (Rodgers)  9/15
•   Sharon Duncan  9/14
•   Charles A. Creggett  9/13
•   Tina Ward (Joyner)  9/12
•   Lynn Blake (Harrison)  7/19
•   Paul Wehmer  3/23
•   Mike Morrissey  9/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
50 live in Arkansas
1 lives in California
1 lives in District Of Columbia
2 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Tennessee
13 live in Texas
1 lives in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
216 location unknown


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The Official Webpage for Little Rock's

Hall High School class of 1983

NEWSFLASH!  Labor Day Weekend 2013 Reunion has been postponed!

Sorry to report that we've had to postpone our 30-year reunion planned for the summer of 2013.  Too many schedule conflicts during the Labor Day Weekend caused confirmations numbers to be too low to book venues, hire caterers, etc...  However, we're excited to report that many of you have shared your thoughts and enthusiasm for getting together to celebrate our 30th.  So stayed tuned folks!  We'll re-approach this again soon and hope to have a plan that fits your interests and schedules.

BE SURE TO LIKE US ON FACEBOOK.....connect with old friends and watch for details on our next attempt to host a reunion.