Vicki Caserta McSwain

Profile Updated: June 26, 2008
Residing In: Bryant, AR USA
Spouse/Partner: Lance
Occupation: Technical Analyst
Children: Gracie, born 2003; Nermal, born 2003; Xena, born 2004; Dax, born 2007. Yes - I've been busy. A dog More…and three cats!!!
Yes! Attending Reunion

I've stayed in pretty good touch with most of the friends I had in high school. I went to work full-time straight out of high school. I finally got around to going to college in 1993. I have four nieces and nephews but no children of my own. I know better because I have four nieces and nephews! I met a very nice boy, Lance, in 1998 and we married in 2000. You don't know him because he grew up in Memphis (Stacee, Jimmy, James, Robin, Melissa and Misty, I know you know him). I broke my collarbone in March 2006 in a horseback riding accident, the only bone I've ever broken! I ride the jumpers and it's just an occupational hazard. It did not heal and I had to have a plate inserted. In response to various inquiries, no, I do not still have the Chevelle. It was Mom's car and she sold it after my grandfather bought me a car after graduation (the blue Firebird - I STILL HAVE IT although it is only my "weekend" car now). I feel truly blessed to have heard from so many of you, and to have known you all. Our class rocks!!

School Story:

I remember skipping classes and hiding out in the band room (STACEE). Once we nearly got caught and had to hide inside cabinets and horn cases while the principal checked all around in there. I remember Bryan Daniel showing me how Band-Aids wrappers glow in the dark when you rip the paper open.....but I think it was just to get us in the dark. I wish I had all the gas money I blew on Geyer Springs! (Misty, remember Sonic Pink Lemonades we used to add 151 to?) But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Vicki's Latest Interactions

Jul 09, 2019 at 3:33 AM
Jul 09, 2018 at 3:33 AM
Jul 09, 2017 at 3:33 AM
Jul 09, 2016 at 3:33 AM
Jul 09, 2015 at 3:34 AM