Loretta Horn Perry

Profile Updated: July 18, 2010
Loretta Horn
Residing In: Lago Vista, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Reed Perry
Children: Step-children -
Jesse Perry 1981
Julie Ann Perry 1983
Jake Perry 1986
Child More…-
Nevaeh Hope Perry 2007
Homepage: View Website
Yes! Attending Reunion

Graduated from NEO A&M 1981 then worked in Tulsa as systems analyst. I worked as a systems analyst and did mainframe COBOL programming and project management until about 2005. In 1983 I married my college sweetheart then moved to Texas in 1984 when he graduated from OU. We divorced in 1989 which was hard for me; so I remained single for years. Then in 1996 Reed asked my Dad to marry me. We were friends from church and he captured my heart with his servant ways. Reed had 3 children, and I learned that blended families have their challenges. Jesse lived with us right after we were married when he was 15; then a year later Jake came to live with us too. The boys lived with us off and on throughout their high school and junior high age; also Jake for a while after graduating. We were empty nesters for a while. I worked for TGSLC as a systems analyst for about 20 years. After that, I worked at Mother's Day out at our church and did real estate investing and managed our rental property. I also started to work for a computer sales company. Then in 2007 my life really changed. God blessed us with our daughter. She was 3 weeks old and came to us with the name Nevaeh which is Heaven backwards. I am a stay at home Mom and love being able to stay at home and raise our daughter and be self employed with real estate. I do feel my age at times raising a 3 year old when some of my classmates have grandchildren that age. She is the joy of our life though and we are getting to see the challenges of raising your own. I love to swim and enjoy the lake where we live. Lago Vista is in the beautiful hill country about 30 minutes outside of Austin, Texas. It is surrounded by a lake. We moved out here in 1999. I love being with family and friends. I get to Oklahoma when I can since most of my extended family lives there except for my brother and all his family.

What have you always wanted to do that you haven't done yet?

I would like to be able to do some of the things that I use too. For example: water ski like I did when I was in my late 20's early 30's, snow ski like I once was able too. Sometimes, I suffer from arthritis in my back and neck from old injuries. I would like to parachute out of a plane. I have parasailed and that was really cool. I would like to go on a cruise to Alaska. Most of all, I would like to leave a legacy behind of being the best example of a wife and mother for my daughter Nevaeh. I want to be a good example for how I lived my life to my other family and friends. I guess when it is all said and done at my funeral I want them to say. "She was special, I am glad that I knew her, and I have very fond memories of Lori".

What's the farthest you've been from home?

Japan, Cancun, St. Thomas, & Hawaii visted all. - Enjoyed Japan the most visted brother got to go snorkling and see his family. It was beautiful.

How old do you feel most of the time? Not how old you feel when you roll out of the bed first thing in the morning or when you collapse into it at night.

Most of the time I feel like I am in my 30's. People usually think that I am. On other days I feel more than 50. Herbs and exercise keep me young.

Loretta's Latest Interactions

May 25, 2014 at 2:34 PM

Happy Birthday
