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In the fall of 1967, a High School opened for the first time in Lumberton, Texas, housing grades 7 thru 12.    

Were YOU in one of those first LHS classes, graduating from 1968 to 1973? 

Then join us here to reconnect with classmates!  

Just click on "Classmate Profiles"  find your name, and then update your email address so you can receive updates.   Have questions or didn't find your name?  Just click on "Contact Us" in the box at left and send us a message.    

Our 50 Year Reunion of these six LHS classes was held on Saturday, September 23, 2017. Click on the Photos from 50 Year Reunion tab for photos from the 2017 Reunion events. You can also check out our photos from past reunions and school activities.


Class of '68
By Hubert E. Cormier II, Class of '73

Thought to be a small school in the sticks,
Just a small group of country hicks.
They would prove everyone wrong,
They would prove they did belong.

One building placed between the new and old,
Not knowing what would unfold.
Junior and Senior High, all in one,
Things would soon change, it had begun.

The first six classes would start it all,
those who have come after have answered the call.
Some worked hard at dance and athletics,
Others studied hard in the arts and scholastics.

Many were surprised, they did not expect,
The excellence that has brought the respect.

It has now been fifty years,
Each class has faced its own fears.
Each class has cried its own tears,
Each class has enjoyed all of its cheers.

But you didn't know your fate,
You, this class of twenty-eight.
You would be the ones to start something so great,
Hail to the first! The class of sixty-eight!


Many thanks to Ernie Cormier, Class of '73, for this tribute to the Class of 1968 !   





•   Bill Milner (1971)  8/16
•   Harold Vassar (1972)  7/28
•   Wayne Headlee (1972)  9/9
•   Thomas Allen (1972)  5/16
•   Rita Miller (Sullivan) (1971)  5/10
•   Pat Dennis (Terrasso) (1971)  1/30
•   Joe Romere (1973)  12/12
•   Cheryl Yawn (Martin) (1973)  9/28
•   Candy (Chandice) Covington (1970)  9/18
•   Danese Buel (Fondren) (1972)  9/15
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arkansas
1 lives in California
3 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Montana
3 live in Ohio
96 live in Texas
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
393 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 22.3%
A:   113   Joined
B:   394   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)
