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We Were the First

We Were the First:

      Class Officers 


From the pages of the 1968 Lumberton Raider Yearbook:

The class of 1968, the first class to graduate from Lumberton High School, can look back with pride at our productive years at LHS. 

We are truly left with precious memories that will grow dearer as time goes by - memories of friendship welded by our wins and losses on the playing field and in the classroom. 

With the memory of graduation we are swept by deep emotion, sorrow at the thought of parting with our friends and our beautiful new school, intermingled with anticipation of what life holds for us in the future. 


Class Officers - Seniors 1968

President:  Larry Dorrell

Vice President:  Darrell Orr 

Secretary:  Teresa Mitchell

Treasurer:  Paula Carruth

Parliamentarian:  Tommy Shettles




Juniors - Class of 1969 - Officers 

President:  Larry Smith

Vice President: Susan McMillan

Secretary:  JoAnn Lawrence

Treasurer: Ernie LaVergne 



Sophomores Class of 1970

President: Ralph Bertrand

Vice President: Denise Mouton

Secretary:  Carey Whitmire

Treasurer: Cindy Edgar 



Freshman Class of 1971
Linda Mitchell

Eddie Chance

Janet Lane

Rita Miller 



8th Grade - Class of 1972
Terry Johnson
Donald Garrison
Elena Watts



7th Grade - Class of 1973
David Miller
Audie Milner
Sammye Danna
Roy Spell

You can also view all these Class Officer photos here: https://goo.gl/photos/y27mVZT3awXHMQBb8
