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•   Deborah Bixby (Hall)  9/17
•   Stephen Gibbons  9/16
•   Scott Mead  9/14
•   John Pennewell (Pennewell)  9/13
•   Howard Minckler  9/10
•   Martin Sloane  9/10
•   Cathy Mirenda (Maher)  8/31
•   Gwendolyn White (Hood)  8/25
•   Deborah Johnson (Hart)  8/18
•   Leslie Kriebel (Houck)  8/14
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
3 live in Arizona
20 live in California
8 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
13 live in Delaware
15 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
11 live in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Minnesota
3 live in Missouri
2 live in New Hampshire
17 live in New Jersey
4 live in New Mexico
8 live in New York
8 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
204 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in South Carolina
5 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
10 live in Virginia
3 live in Washington
2 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Brazil
1 lives in Greenland
76 location unknown
56 are deceased


•   Carol Bonaventure (Mowry)  2023
•   David Carney  2022
•   Jean Crow (Leisey)  2021
•   Roland Smith (Smith)  2020
•   Terry Clement  2020
•   Marcia Miller  2013
•   David DeMiranda  2014
•   Christopher Schran  2020
•   Jim Mardinly (Mardinly)  2020
•   Karen Fluk (Waldman)  2019
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 57.8%

A:   267   Joined
B:   195   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Peggy Burke (Novotni)  9/20
•   Deborah Hermann (DeShane)  9/21
•   Nancy Allen (Grady)  9/22
•   Greg Evans  9/24
•   Irene Meisel  9/24
•   Kathryn Piccione (McCarry)  9/24
•   E. Paul Dripps II  9/30
•   Daryll Nutt  9/30
•   Kevin Serzan  10/2
•   Sarah Barry (Huber)  10/3
•   Roseanne Coccoli (Rose)  10/3
•   Jonathan Gifford  10/5
•   Sally Replogle (Rose)  10/8
•   John Pennewell (Pennewell)  10/15
•   Patricia Bell (Turner)  10/16
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Our 50th Class Reunion ticket link is on the left side panel of this website.  All weekend event information and hotel information is listed there.  Please keep your contact information current so we can keep you informed about this milestone event and more plans for the reunion weekend. We hope you can make it!

Welcome to the Penncrest Class of 1974 website!

Bookmark this page now and come back and visit often. Take a trip down memory lane, see all the updates, and catch up with fellow classmates. If you haven't already done so, please create your profile by clicking on the "Classmate Profiles" tab.  Click on your name and follow the prompts. You will then have full access to view all of the website pages. Personal demographic information is private and used for reunion mailings.

Please keep your information current.

Want to be a "Guest"?

"Guest Member" is a classmate who went through the school years with us, but didn't graduate with us. They either moved away, failed a class, or perhaps they were "friends" from another grade. To become a "Guest Member" simply click here Contact Us and tell us your association with our class and ask us to add your name. Once your name has been added, you will then be able to create your own profile and join in on all the website activities.


45th Year Reunion

40th Year Reunion

25th Year Reunion

15th Year Reunion

10th Year Reunion



Reunion Committee for the Penncrest Class of 1974

Bonnie Ash - Registration / Host     

Matt Hanna - Co-Chairman

Cathy Mirenda Maher - Registration / Decor

Scott Mead - Photography

Lou Pugliese - Web Support

John Renninger -Video Production

Dana Dunion Walz - Coordinator / Web Support

Larry Weathers - Co-Chairman








