Daniel Moran

Profile Updated: February 5, 2015
State you currently reside: Medina, OH USA
Kids? 2/ Shannon & Michael
Occupation: Boilermaker
Military Service: US Army  
Married? To who? When? How long?

Kelly Moran (Kopp class of 91) married for 18 years

What are your memories of high school (i.e. secret crush, favorite teachers, favorite hang outs, embarrassing moment, funniest thing you did)?

Mrs Fishers class was one of the best she and mrs Wyscarver taught me alot about life
-no punctuation on purpose that always drove Fish crazy :)

What did you do right after high school?

went to the army and south Korea. when I got back to the States I Married Kelly Kopp

High points of your life since high school?

2 wonderful Kids and 23 Years of Marrage to Kelly

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What spare time I have kids lol

I dont have much down time between power plant outages I usually work 6-7 Days a week for months at a time
I usually get a week or two off between jobs to sleep lol..... but the pay is good and it has a retirement plan that is awesome (now i sound like an old fart)

Any grey hair yet?

yes some started in the last couple of years so i shaved it off

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I am not the skinny kid anymore I learned two main things in the army how to work out and how to eat. ..... I still eat lol

Did you have any nicknames in school?

not that i can remember

Any nicknames now?

LT Dan

What's your favorite memory of Highland High?

cross country/track
Fishes class
Meeting Kelly Kopp

What's the biggest thing you would change if you could go back to your time at Highland High School?

I would apply myself to my school work rather than float on though with c's

Favorite food(s):

prime rib

Cool things you've done?

Built my own home not contracted I did all the work.

Anything else you want your classmates to know about you?

so far i have had a great life since Highland a few bumps in the road but who hasnt had those

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Daniel Moran updated profile. View.
Feb 05, 2015 at 9:55 AM
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Feb 05, 2015 at 9:53 AM
Daniel Moran changed "Now" picture.
Feb 05, 2015 at 9:53 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:56 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:56 AM