Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Which events will you attend next year?

  Beach Resort Reunion, Sept. 12 - 14, 2025, at least one event
  Summer Cruise Get-Together, June/July, 2025
  Both events
  Neither event
  Unsure at this time


•   Arnitha Scanes (Scanes)  9/24
•   Carolyn Tucker (Blair)  9/27
•   John Gonell  9/28
•   Maria Ubide (Del Pozo)  10/11
•   Dennis Carlson  10/12
•   Edward Mitchell Jr  10/12
•   Mark Thompson  10/14
•   Victor Pizarro  10/17


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in California
2 live in Colorado
71 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in New York
4 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
601 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined classmates: 15.8%

A:   113   Joined
B:   601   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Donate to our class fund to continue the fun!  Click the "Donate" button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or by credit card if you do not have a PayPal account. Thanks!  smiley

Miami Springs Senior
Class of 1975






MSSH Golden Hawks classes of 1975, 1974, and 1976...

Save the dates for next year's 50th reunion! We will be partying at a South Florida beach resort hotel from Sept. 12 - 14, 2025! Checking out two locations; that's all we can say for now. 

Let's celebrate our long, loved friendships, reconnect with lost friends and make new friends. Let's dine and dance, mingle, reminisce and sing, laugh and cry, and make new memories... all weekend long. 

Also, we're thinking about a get together on an informal Caribbean cruise next summer, June or July. Still working on those details.

Let us know if you're interested in either event... or both! 




  View Senior Pictures now!
Tab on "Classmate Profiles!" 
Check it out today!

laugh Hi classmates! Welcome to the FREE website for Miami Springs Senior High Class of '75! yes  We can add to this site as needed/requested, no annual fee (with ads). If you're an alumni from the awesome Class of '75, please click on Classmate Profiles at the left and find your name. Register and create your own profile page where you can upload photos, and share with us as much or as little as you care.  You can also send and receive messages; be sure to Check Messages and participate in our class Message Forum.

enlightenedReturn to this site often to stay updated on all things Golden Hawks Class of '75!  Keep us up-to-date on your family news and email/contact changes.  Spread the word to all your classmate friends! 

smiley If you're a friend to our classmates, but not lucky enough to have graduated with the Class of '75 and you'd like to join this site, please press Contact Us.  Send us your name, including maiden (if applicable), along with your graduation year and we'll add you to the list.  Guest members are listed separately at the end of the Classmate Profiles page.  You can also create a website like this for your own class at
























Visitor count: 9,528
