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02/02/09 11:42 PM #1858    

Carrie Widener (Whytock)

Just checking in Hope everyone is great ??? Can't wait for spring Hey Tami it was nice to see you at Harmons you look happy !! Let me know about dinner me and my husband would love to come. Party at my house this summer

02/06/09 12:04 AM #1859    

Nichole Knubel (Jensen)

I'm in for a mini reunion. What do you guys want to do?

02/06/09 06:10 AM #1860    

Chris Barron

Hey everyone, married life is great! Time is flying by! I really wish I could have seen you in August Dewey, but yeah my honeymoon was fun. Vegas is always fun. Next time you're here we'll definately get together. Phoenix does seem like a lifetime ago. Remember when we floated down the salt river and everyone got fried in the sun except me? All I had was a red spot on my chest. I think my sunscreen was SPF 600. We look like such young punks in in those pictures! Yeah Tami I think we have known each other since birth. My mom still lives by Patty circle. I hope things are going good for you. Hey Tori, married life is good. Marriage feels very natural for me. How are you doing?

02/06/09 12:00 PM #1861    

Tamra Olsen (Martinez)

Well when would we want to do it? When it warms up? Then we could do it at a park or somethin? If we do it now it would need to be at someones house. Or we could just go to dinner.. ?? I dont care, I just like to see everyone.

02/06/09 10:45 PM #1862    

Tina Dumas (Finn)

Hi everyone....glad to see posts on here still

We have over 100 classmates on Facebook, so join us over there as well!

Take care!

02/09/09 10:07 PM #1863    

Melissa Barwick (Peck)

Hello Friends,
I have some exciting news to advertise. It has only taken 30 days to get to a point where I actually sit at the computer and use it for other then viewing TV online. I had not check my email since early January and I had a record 594 (truly)!
On January 8, 2009, 5 weeks prior to their actually due date, Alexander and Amelia (Mia) Peck were born. Alexander weighed in at a hefty 4.02 ounces, 16“and Mia was only 3.13/ 17”. They had some pretty rough conditions to get thru in order to make it here. I was sick with pre-eclampsia and did not know HOW sick I really was. I knew that my blood pressure had been creeping up over the course of the past few weeks and that I was admitted to the hospital the week of Christmas. ( I had to Cry my way home for Christmas) I was “resting” as much as possible but I was extremely tired. Well on the 6th of January, my Dr. admitted me into the hospital with critically high blood pressure, (like I guess I could have died, but how was I supposed to know) I was VERY put out because I had at least three weeks left of things to accomplish before the babies came and just wanted to go home. Over the course of the next two days things did not resolve and Thursday the 8th of January, Alexander and Amelia were taken by emergency C-section!
From birth they have been little miracles! Mia needed a bit of oxygen, but both breathed room air from the on set and we spent the next two weeks in the hospital NICU learning to keep our body temperatures up and learning to nurse, learning how to breath all the time and working on how much to grow. Now after being home for a bit, life is truly insane!
We are so blessed and captivated by the gifts that God has sent our family! Each day they change and grow and develop into new little people. It is hard to imagine they aren’t even supposed to be born yet!
Here is a picture from the incubator at the hospital, I will post more on my Face Book thing-e-ma-bob as soon as I figure out how! I love you all, I hope this update finds you and your families healthy and happy! I think of you often! Call me! I am ALWAYS home now, and if I cannot talk then I can buzz you back! Well, MUCH love and kisses. Have a splendid new year!

02/09/09 10:33 PM #1864    

Melissa Barwick (Peck)

okay I could not embed the photos in the post, check my profile.

02/10/09 10:21 AM #1865    

Tamra Olsen (Martinez)


I am so happy to hear from you, as I am sure all the rest of us are too. It is good that you are all doing well, you and your little miracles and that you and them have made it through. I am temporaily out of work for the first time since I was 14 years old and going crazy!! If we lived close I would come and give you a hand. I am so bored with absoulutly nothing to do. I can only clean my house so many times.

Does your oldest daughter have facebook? That sight is a lot better then my space. If she does, you should have her look my daughter, Taisha, up because they really had fun at the reunion.

Again, I am so happy everyone is okay. They are adorable little things.

To everyone else, I am bored to death! Meet up on face book.. its a riot! Love you all!

02/10/09 11:51 AM #1866    

Lesley Riding (Sage)

Hiya all!

Hope you all have a lovely and romantic Valentine's Day.. Guys - Don't forget your sweethearts! Let them know you love them!

Hope all is well with you. Write me or look me up on Facebook! It's sooo fun to see so many people on Facebook and see how great everyone looks!

Take it easy and drop me a line now and then will ya?!!

02/10/09 11:54 AM #1867    

Lesley Riding (Sage)

Melissa - I just scrolled up and read your post. OMG!!!! Congratulations and glad to hear you are doing well! Sorry to hear how scary it got for you and I wish you all the best! Enjoy those sweet twins!

02/10/09 06:49 PM #1868    

Angela Tidwell (Hasenberg)


your babies are beautiful! Okay...i seriously want to come and visit you...I am going to call you this week..look out for my NEW 801 number!

Mini reunion...maybe we should reinact the park portion of the reunion? maybe in April? What do you all think?

02/10/09 06:50 PM #1869    

Angela Tidwell (Hasenberg)

Hey Jack! did you happen to walk to Taco Time on 10400 and State last Saturday? I swear it was you...

02/13/09 12:57 AM #1870    

Tamra Olsen (Martinez)

April sounds great! Lets do it!

02/18/09 01:16 PM #1871    

Tina Dumas (Finn)


What a scary ordeal getting your little ones here! I am so glad that part is over for you and you can enjoy watching them grow and change each day! You are truly blessed!

Tami, good luck with the job hunt. Things are scary out there!!!!

Angie! I miss you!

I miss chatting with everyone and hope all is well!

See you on facebook!


02/21/09 11:28 PM #1872    

Nichole Knubel (Jensen)

Am I the only one home alone on a Saturday night doing laundry? I'd kill to be at xenon :D lol

02/22/09 11:58 PM #1873    

Jack Myers


Kevin & I walked from Taco Time on 11400 So. State to my favorite store Home Depot. Not sure what day it was but yeah that probably was me if I was with someone if not-maybe not. Hello everyone.

02/25/09 11:16 AM #1874    

Natalie Ferre (Akiyama)

Melissa!!!! Congratulations! I am glad they are finally here and you are now doing well!

Hi everyone, does anyone else have spring fever?!?!?!

02/26/09 12:35 AM #1875    

Nichole Knubel (Jensen)

jack, did you hold hands? hehehe

03/03/09 05:22 PM #1876    

Jenny Stevens (Miller)

Congratulations Melissa!! What a wonderful blessing! I hope all is well...I'm sure the adjustment is HUGE! Take care.

To everyone else out there...I hope you all are well. At times I wish we were planning the reunion again...that was a great time. Warm wishes to you all!!

03/06/09 06:34 PM #1877    

Tamra Olsen (Martinez)

Hey fellow Huskies ... I am sure Kev and Jack were holding hands. Since he is not answering I will.

Natalie... I HAVE SPRING FEVER!!! Living in California for 4 years I got used to the warmth and spring is not coming soon enough. Just when it starts warming up again here comes another cold snap. Good ole Utah! Angela can relate I am sure.

Well I miss everyone and chatting. I hope all is well with everyone. We are having a get together at the park in April right? or May? We need to set a date. Any suggestions? Everyone and anyone is welcome!

Gotta run! By the way my 9th grade daughter made the JV girls softball team at Bountiful High! We are so happy!

Bye for now! LOVE Y'ALL!

03/06/09 09:01 PM #1878    

Jack Myers

yes we were holding hands Shhhhh don't tell. I have been blowing you off Tami now we are getting close enough to have a barbeque and not have to stay inside, also the basement apartment is very nearly done and we can hang upstairs and down and outside. I will get with you soon to put something together. Sounds to me like you don't need me to find parties and a good time, you party girl you...

03/09/09 08:45 PM #1879    

Steve "Jake" Jacobson

Just thought I would drop by and say hey... Have thought about a lot of you lately! You know who you are!

Dewey... Trying to come up with a plan for the Gorge and the Dead.!

03/11/09 04:03 PM #1880    

Tina Dumas (Finn)

HI Everyone!

Just checking in on you all. Hi Steve J! How are you? Is Brenda keeping you out of trouble?

Jack, I always knew you and Kevin were close.....J/K! Hope all is well with you and your family!

Nichole, Dawn, Angie, Michelle, Tami, Tara, Natalie, Carrie, Melissa, Tori, Jenny, Brenda, Shelly, I miss all my girls!

Dewey, are you out there?

Miss you all, hope everyone is well! Take care and stay in touch!

Don't forget, FACEBOOK!!!

03/16/09 10:10 AM #1881    

Tamra Olsen (Martinez)

Tina.. is Facebook paying you to advertise for them? hehe ..

Anyways, I always knew somethin was going on with Kevy and Jackie. LOL. K lets get together soon and celebrate this new old relationship! I will leave my # on your email. We will plan it.

Nice to hear from Ole Jake! Its about time and hope all is well with you. Miss everyone else!

SPRING is almost here! Woooooooohhhoooooooooooo!
Love all ya all!

03/29/09 08:54 PM #1882    

Tina Dumas (Finn)

Ok Twilight lovers, I finally saw the movie and it was good, no I didn't read the book, but now you are gonna force me to read the whole series aren't you????

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