James Cris Cook

Profile Updated: February 17, 2013
Residing In: Palm Desert, CA USA
# of Children (names, age, DOB optional): Unfortunately, zero (0).
Occupation: Entrepreneur - Created Corp.(James Cris Cook, Inc)
Name of Spouse/ Partner:

Single, Never married

Place of Employment:

Finally!! A place that I will be at for many years - the Palm Springs, CA area.

Other Places You Have Lived Since H.S.:

Washington, D.C.; Austin, TX; Santa Fe, NM; Arlington, TX; Palm Desert, CA (current)

Comments About Current Life/ Status/ Occupation:

Life for me has not exactly gone the way I had envisioned. After graduating from Cal, and then spending three years in Washington, D.C. working for the NFL Players Association, I went to law school at the University of Texas at Austin, at which point, in 1997, I was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease, operated on in January of 1998, and within two years was placed on permanent medical disability with Social Security, and have never worked or had a home of my own since 2000. However, while this disease is supposed to be fatal, I am the only known survivor (it is a very rare disease, though), and while it took several years, up until around 2007 or so, I either was in the ER, at home in a bed, or reading a book (literally!) While I get a small check from the govt. every month (it doesn't even cover the costs of all the medication I have to take), my family has really opened up their doors for me, and I am not depressed or mad or frustrated any more. I have come to love life and I try to "Carpe Diem" as much as possible, b/c while I have lived for 14 years with no pituitary gland (also called the Master Gland - controls every hormone in one's body), I am content, as healthy as I can be, and grateful to God for giving me a chance to do something (I'm not sure what it is just yet, unfortunately) for others. I have also come to realize that $ is a truly evil (I know, I know - it's a necessary one) entity. But, once you get over worrying about money and begin to just enjoy every moment that you spend with your family and friends, life is good. Money makes people act differently, especially amongst friends. If you don't have any money, you usually don't have any friends (at least not any that help you, which leads to the loss of that friendship.) I am perfectly happy being with friends who have money while I do not - it doesn't bother me - but it does bother the friend, b/c everything that we do in this life costs something (well, almost everything), and if they feel as if they have to pay for you (which is something that I do not like either - I am not and will never be someone that wants others' pity) they get all uncomfortable, do it maybe once or twice, but then you never hear from them again. If someone wants to help me b/c they care about me and know that if the roles were reversed, I would leap at the chance to help them, then I feel that is acceptable. But you can be friends without having money ever entering the picture - take a walk together, play some frisbee, talk about any subject that interests you, etc. I have a couple of friends by that definition, but I still consider everybody that I have known before 1997 and met over the last fifteen years a friend. To me, money is merely a way to stay alive. I have come to accept God, which has in turn led me to accept who I am and what I have gone through, and to always try and be a good person to everyone. Life is nothing without people who are close to you. So, while sometimes things might not be going exactly the way you wanted them to, just relax, look around at what you do have and not at what you don't, accept it, and move on, then I guarantee you that once you have stopped worrying about money, you will be happy. As long as you hold on to HOPE, you, your family, your friends - you will be okay. Never give up, never give in, and always be true to yourself, and you will find the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

Your High School Story (activities, sports, awards, etc.):

I might once have had an entirely different answer to this question, but, with respect to how it has turned out, I can honestly say that the most important and memorable thing that I choose to remember about high school are the people who became and will always be my friends. I love you all!

H.S. Nick Name:


Any Memories, Comments, etc. About the MVHS Class of 1990:

I remember that is was an outstanding class of people, and it brings a smile to my face whenever I remember a certain occurrence, whatever, that included people whom I considered my friends. I do have one thing: Greg Amaya and I used to race to one or the other's house at lunch, dump a brand-new quart of chocolate ice-cream into the blender (we had to do it one half at a time), throw in some milk, and turn it on. We would then guzzle down what was basically an extra-large chocolate shake, run back to whoever's car, and race back to school to go to 6th period. (Hey, we had a blast - thinking back now upon it makes me think we were a couple of wackos, but that was what made high school a blast!)

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James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
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James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
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James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
Feb 16, 2021 at 4:33 AM
James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
Feb 16, 2020 at 4:36 AM
James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
Feb 16, 2019 at 4:33 AM
James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
Feb 16, 2018 at 4:33 AM
James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
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James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
Feb 16, 2016 at 4:33 AM
James Cris Cook has a birthday today.
Feb 16, 2015 at 4:34 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:11 AM
