In Memory

J. Patrick Francis

J. Patrick Francis

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11/08/13 08:30 AM #2    

Charlene (Cissy) Taylor (Brazil)

Pat lived the next street over from us which was close to Redwood Jr High. Today my memory is unclear, but I believe Pat was in band class with me. I, too, was shocked when reading he was killed in the war. He had only just begun life, it seemed. God rest his soul. 

11/09/13 01:06 AM #3    

Dennis Patrick (O'Shea)

I remeber many years ago hearing about Pat as I called him in younger times, having been killed in Vietnam. I could not believe at the time that such a gentle intelligent man had been in the Marines to begin with, and to learn he became a Staff Sargeant is quiute amazing. He had  I suppose a quiet strenght which stood him in good stead through his too short life. A man to be missed as so many.

11/09/13 09:50 AM #4    

Mary Pieratt

J Patrick Francis at one time lived in the big rambling house, 3 stories, on the turn on Browns Valley Road on the right just as you near Buhman Avenue.  The configuration is all different now, and that tremendous house is gone, of course.  There was a barn on the property as well.  Pat and I became good friends in 4-H when we were very young kids.  For some reason he was seated right behind me in classes at Redwood and Napa High many times, and I remember him being very patient, answering questions and explaining things from classes, a very intelligent human being, very sensitive.  It was shocking to find out he had been killed in Vietnan, and brought that war to a reality I had not previously understood.

11/09/13 10:06 AM #5    

Bruce Erricson

I primarily knew Pat from the High School band where he played the clarinet.  He was an intelligent, interesting & fun person.  I'll never forget the shock of seeing his photo on the cover of LIFE magazine along with the photos of all the other Americans killed in Viet Nam during the previous week.  What a waste.

11/26/13 10:11 AM #6    

William George

I first met Pat in the 7th Grade at Redwood Jr. High School, we had a lot of classes together including Band and became good friends. Pat was a very good Clarinet Player and was a easy going friendly person who always had a smile on his face. The news of his Death was quite devastating. I will always remember Pat's easy going ways and the kindness he showed others. R.I.P. my Friend.

12/25/13 12:31 AM #7    

Dennis Kleid

I'm pretty sure from the 7th grade at Redwood all the way through high school I got to sit next to Pat in the band, playing clarinet in the front row with him.  He knew all the notes, and was always right on key. Me...not so much. But he never said anything that wasn't nice to me, and we did a lot of cool and nerdy things over those years. We were in the Rose Bowl parade one year and marched our feet off. He was a very good guy and very smart.  I too was shocked to learn that he died in Vietnam. Even though that was long ago, it is still a shame to lose him.  I know he would have made a difference.

12/25/13 01:05 PM #8    

Paul Royer

I too remember Pat from Redwood Junior High School. We often got into mischief together and had lots of fun. I remember once in 9th grade (?) science class where we had a substitute the whole year how we decided that there was no need to see whatever film the sub had brought in that day. When the sub's was turned, Pat, at least I think it was Pat, grabbed the fuse out of the projector. The sub then spent the rest of class trying to figure out what was wrong.

A few other funny stunts come to mind. I too remember when I got the work, Pat was not walking home from Nam. It was hard to take.

02/18/14 03:25 PM #9    

Burton (Burt) Williams

Unfortunately, I didn't know Pat Francis.  His sacrifice hits hard none the less as with all of those we lost.  To attain the rank of Staff Sergeant and the position of an Infantry Platoon Sergeant says much about his character and his accomplishments in service to his country.  I wish I could offer a memory; here's a quote:

“You may hate the war, but never hate the ones that fight. For they do not choose when or where to fight. All they chose was to protect who they love and even the people they don't know.”

Visit Pat on the Vietnam Online Wall at the following links :

04/13/16 12:54 PM #10    

Stephen Rae

As we get older, we think about our friends who missed out on that opportunity.  One of the best.

04/14/16 09:06 AM #11    

Vicki Ichtertz (Snyder)

I was recently in DC at the Vietnam Memorial.  Made me sad to see how many young men lost their lives there.  Pat was always so much fun to be around.  RIP

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