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If you could go back to 1989 would you...

  Change your appearance
  Tell someone about that crush
  Actually study
  Still take the keys
  Party like it's 1999
  Change nothing at all


•   John Martin  7/24
•   Jay Cottrell  8/14
•   Michael Miller  4/25
•   Midge Taylor  7/2
•   Jonathan Mays  10/29
•   Anissa Hall (Demonbreun)  9/14
•   Ellen Greer (Keim)  9/14
•   Cindy Cottrell (Fry)  9/13
•   Jonathan Tucker  9/13
•   Jim Craig  9/11
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in California
3 live in Florida
6 live in Georgia
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in South Carolina
78 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
5 location unknown


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 77.9%

A:   81   Joined
B:   23   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


High School PhotosReunion Photos sections (links on left). 6 new photos have been added. If you have any of your own and would share - send them on in.

Post Reunion Survey has been added. Even if you didn't attend, this short survey will help the next reunion committee in their planning.

DLHS 1989 graduates:

Wow - what a wonderful weekend for our 20th reunion. It was a real pleasure to see one another and enjoy great fellowship, food, laughter, and memories. Thank you so much for your participation and investing your time and money to attend.

For those of you who couldn't attend, the reunion was a tremendous success. But, we missed you. Friday night was a wet evening at the Lipscomb vs. Goodpasture game. They beat us pretty bad in this 41st meeting of the two schools. The first quarter was fun, but it went downhill pretty quick. They asked our class to go out to mid-field during half time and recognized our class and some of our accomplishments. Even though the ball game resulted in a loss, it gave us even more opportunity to hang out at the alumni tent behind the stadium from half-time until post game - enjoying food, friends, and fun.

Saturday morning was a chance to visit the classrooms & halls of our alma mater. Going through the renovated classrooms, cafeteria, and building expansion was a bit confusing. There are no longer any green awnings or portables. Everything is vastly different. We found our senior pictures lining the hallways and had some great comments and laughs along the tour.

Saturday evening was the highlight of the weekend. We arrived around 6:00 PM at the Legends Golf Club in Franklin. The entire facility was reserved just for our class. The setup was beautiful with memorabilia, pictures, 80's music, videos, great food and atmosphere. But, the focal point of the evening was just being together and enjoying one another's company again. It was evident to our spouses how special and unique this class is. Beautiful people and wonderful memories. After an opportunity to visit, see things that made us smile - we had a few awards, presented by M/C Paul French that was just hilarious. Some of the recognition was for longest married, most kids, furthest traveled - things like that. Then we reviewed some of the Senior Superlatives and how things turned out - laughing even harder.

I especially want say thanks again to Sheri. Without her leadership - none of this would have happened. Thanks, Sheri. You rock!

  • If you have some photos that you took and want posted in the new sections - please email them to Joey.



Harding Hall before Renovation
Harding Hall (before restoration)




Jason Cook  9/23
Jonathan Tucker  10/8
Tracy Byers  10/11
Jonathan Mays  10/15