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10/20/08 10:10 PM #17    

Julie Foriest (Brewer)

I was thinking someone wore some kind of cute animal slippers.

10/21/08 07:18 AM #18    

Drew Mann

I dont think i wore 2 diff shoes, maybe i was on crutches and that threw you off....

10/23/08 10:39 AM #19    

Curt Phillips

Who violated their Students Staying Straight contracts every year like Paul French?

10/27/08 10:43 AM #20    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

Joey -- look at you go with everyone's pictures. guess you got an extra yearbook. Will Evans' picture "touch-up" is definitely more obvious on this site than in the yearbook! I remember that whole "scandal" and how Mrs Griffith had to give his picture a hair cut in order to include it. Photoshop would have been tremendously helpful back then.

10/27/08 12:06 PM #21    

Joey Deeb

Tara - that's funny. I now see what you mean about Will's photo editing. I guess his hair must have been past his shoulders? That's great!

I think I need to Photoshop some hair myself - but, for opposite reasons than Will.

10/28/08 08:50 AM #22    

Drew Mann

That is so funny about the post picture editing, I thought it was something wrong with my scanner or that my copy of the Annual had gotten a stain on it from storing it for 20 years.

I scanned that page 4 times trying to get it right and just gave up on it...

10/29/08 07:33 PM #23    

Tracy Byers

Thanks again for getting the site together. I thought I'd throw out a topic and see who responds.

Bottle rocket wars anyone?

10/30/08 07:08 AM #24    

Drew Mann


I still cant believe I worked for Deeb at the fireworks tent and let him pay me in bottle rockets.

Good Times...did anyone get hurt the night we got all our ammo confiscated by the Williamson County Sheriff?

11/05/08 08:56 PM #25    

Jim Craig

didn't we set jonathan cullum's jacket on fire....slightly?

11/12/08 07:29 PM #26    

Brent Baldwin

…And Now Miguel

The men of the Chavez family have raised sheep on the mesa in New Mexico for generations. Twelve-year-old Miguel assists with the tasks of shearing and lambing, yet he yearns to be allowed to accompany the men as they take the large flock to pasture in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains...

What was up with Bill Smith? Was that 10th grade geometry? I think the guy was probably certifiable. I mentioned to him one day that his sport jacket had a nice silk liner - he took it off, turned it inside out and wore it that way for the rest of the class. Wasn't he somebody's nephew or something - needed work I guess. I think he lasted about six weeks until he got canned...

01/19/09 01:22 PM #27    

Chad Edwards

I remember Karie Duke getting in trouble in Coach Pugh's 9th grade World Geography class for drawing some type of weapon pointed toward his head. Ouch!! Glad that didn't happen 20 years later!!!! She would need a wireless hook up from Folsom Prison.:) I also remember Paul French telling Gary Gardner " Your Mamma!" after a food fight in old burton Gym after lunch......then Gary hit him in the nose!!

I can also hear Phil's laughter as if he were reading all of these. He would have loved this!!!!!!


04/09/09 10:40 AM #28    

Joey Deeb

Brent - I visited my brother-in-law's church last week. I couldn't believe my eyes... Bill Smith!!! He was there! His shirt was 1/2 untucked, his trademark, as he led some children in worship. I spoke to him for about 15 minutes after the service. He's a very kind hearted guy. He's teaching at a local (Nashville) community college.

04/09/09 09:07 PM #29    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

OH my!! Did he try to tackle you? Was he reciting And Now Miguel to those children? That's one of those situations one just doesn't expect. Talk about a blast from the past. BTW, I can't believe we go to church with your aunt. small world. (apparently it's just easier for us to post as a couple than to sign out of one acct and into the other for the sake of having a name appear in the response. B&T)

04/11/09 12:49 AM #30    

Melanie Hodge (Morris)

Wow, those memories are way back. Actually I can't remember half of them. What has happened to my brain?? Tara, can't wait to see you, and everyone. I remember all of those days doing yearbook in that cubby in Mrs. Griffith's room. We worked so hard. And I remember going to that workshop at MTSU to learn how to do everything. Imagine if we had had a Mac back then. I remember lots of girl time with you, Barbara, Ashley, Midge, Julie. Those are most of my memories. I remember being called HomeEc Hodge after the quiz bowl where I answered about the measuring cup (8 oz) or something. I remember thinking Mr. (Dr. now?) Hagewood looked really scary when he took his glasses off. I remember that freshman year science class 7th period. I have a pix of Barbara and Ashley sitting on a desk. Mr. Chamberlain was so odd, tree surgery and all. I remember the shuttle blowing up when we were in that class. I remember a bunch of our class days with all that decorating in the cafeteria and hallways. Those were fun. Lots of sitting around in the hallways before school. Latin with Coach Tracy or was it Smith? And who could tell them apart? Are they still around? Maybe my brain will start working when I hear more stuff. Sorry it took me so long to get my profile on. We just decided this week to move back to Nashville. For the longest time, I didn't know what I'd say because I didn't know what our address would be or where we'd be working.

04/17/09 08:02 AM #31    

Joey Deeb

Mr. Wooldridge did which of the following?

A) Allowed students to grade one another's tests, so he wouldn't have to.
B) Used the same set of notes every year (from a scroll of transparencies).
C) Make students copy transparency "notes" verbatim into a notebook (spot check student conformance).
D) Grade student's written report (giving an A if typed) while same student delivers oral report (also required), paying no attention to either one.
E) Didn't try very hard at all.
F) All the above

04/28/09 01:11 PM #32    

KC Heck (Newbill) cracks me up to remember sitting in Mr. Wooldridge's gives me hope that maybe I can homeschool my kids through high school!! After all, even I can read through a book!! I was just looking through my 1986 yearbook...and Turner Gaw's statement about Mr. Wooldridge was this "I think that Mr. Wooldridge is very intelligent with unique teaching techniques"...hehe

It has been great to read through all of these memories! If we only knew then how good we had it!!

04/28/09 03:17 PM #33    

KC Heck (Newbill)

I have a reunion you all remember the song that Wade and Jason (and I think Scott??) sang our senior year? ( I can't remember if it was at a sports banquet, or graduation breakfast...I know we were upstairs in the student center...20 years does a lot to a brain!!) I wonder if they could pull it off again???!!

05/05/09 12:31 PM #34    

Curt Phillips

Yo Chad, get a flippin haircut already! Besides, you're making Deeb jealous!

06/02/09 11:16 PM #35    

Reid Collins

Hey all. Thought I'd share this memory. It's when I first learned the meaning of the word irony.

I was sitting in Mrs. Cooper's 5th grade class tying my Puma Intimidators and opening my brand new Trapper Keeper getting ready for class. Everyone was out of their seats, standing around, chatting and waiting for class to start, when a former classmate (whose dignity I'll spare - let's just call him Shmatt Shmyland) wrote "D U M" in huge letters on the board and drew a long arrow pointing across the room to where a few girls were standing. He giggled in glee the whole time.

Oh, the irony.

06/04/09 09:21 PM #36    

Joey Deeb

Reid - this is a great memory to share. Thanks for reminding me of this. That's hilarious. Were we laughing at him or with him?

08/11/09 12:41 PM #37    

Maianne McLeod (Sahl)

The Yummy Food Cookbook is awesome! Thanks for finding it. I remember getting in trouble all the time in Mrs. Corley's class. We sat at those tiny desks in groups of 4 but it changed up every couple of weeks who was sitting where. One time it was me, Matt Miller, Jamie Murray and Karen Mitchell. Anytime anyone's papers or stuff would get on Matt's desk he would try and smack our hands with his ruler. Karen and I learned all the words to the Grease soundtrack that year. I can still remember Jamie's laugh. It was hysterical. Our table would often get in trouble for tormenting Dana Clegg. I had mad crushes that year on Joey Deeb, Greg Dorris, Greg Downer and Matt Miller. Good Times! Thanks for the memories! Maianne

08/28/09 06:02 PM #38    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

I don't know some of the previous names - must've been before my time (that'd be 7th grade). But I have 2 words for you -- Harold Perry.

Can't wait to see everyone in a few weeks! Apparently my husband is correct in calling me a pack rat bc I've just scanned a bunch of old pictures. So when you think to yourself, "Where did that picture come from bc I don't even have a copy of my school portrait from 1985," then that'd be me. : )
I'm sure if there are "awards" for our reunion, he'd vote for me being the biggest pack rat of us all.

08/31/09 09:47 AM #39    

Joey Deeb

Tara - glad you're able to come up with some pictures. I've gotten a few from Jana, Martha, Paul, and Ashley (Booker). Glad to have your pack ratness skillz.

For all the rest of you - it'd be great to get a few of your pictures too.

Oh - and Tara - Harrold Perry? Be honest. It was the parachute pants, right?

09/18/09 04:24 PM #40    

KC Heck (Newbill)

Hey guys. Sorry to say that Patrick and I will not be able to make it in for the reunion...we hope you all have a wonderful time, and we will miss seeing everyone. If there is any way to plan a get together over Christmas we would love to see everybody then. Let us know if you are interested. Have a great time, and post some pics after the reunion for those of us that can't make it!

11/19/09 04:51 PM #41    

Joey Deeb

A few new reunion photos have been added. If you have any of your own that you would share - send them on in.

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